Satanism, Social Darwinism, Fun, Unpop, Philosophy, Psychology, the Esoteric, Carnal Pleasures, Aesthetic Terrorism, Indulgence, Pranks, Counter-Culture, Music, Art, Design, Science, Mythology, Internet, Film, Wolves, History, War, Computing/Games, Atari ST, Comics, Cartoons, Total Environments, Theme Parks, Absinthe, Red Wine, Spirits & Cocktails.
Aesthetic tastes: Fascist, Vampiric, Gothic, Cyber, Fetish, Military, Futuristic, Technoir, Swanky, Gangster, Villain, Medieval.
A few outstanding individuals...
"There is a beast in man that needs to be excersised, not exorcised."
Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey"...look at contemporary Satanism for what it really is: a brutal religion of elitism and social Darwinism that seeks to re-establish the reign of the able over the idiotic, of swift justice over injustice, and for a wholesale rejection of egalitarianism as a myth that has crippled the advancement of the human species for the last two thousand years. Is that something to fear?
If you’re one of the majority of human mediocrities merely existing as a media-besotted drone, you bet it is!"
Magus Peter H. Gilmore"The Church of Satan has always looked for knowledge to science, both Western and Eastern. We call this “Undefiled Wisdom,” and this is the ever-deepening understanding of the nature of the beast-called-Man and the Universe in which he exists. We don’t accept faith or mysticism."
Magus Peter H. Gilmore
"Have you ever dreamed of killing all the stupid people?
Not just the unintelligent people
But the sort that don't know anything about anything
But seem to have opinions about everything
They're only too ready to offer their advice about how to run your life
And yet look at how they run their own lives
For the most part they've accomplished nothing
They've contributed nothing
Their lives are miserable
But they talk, talk, talk…
At the very least their tongues should be cut out
At the very least."
Boyd Rice
"From every set of principles (be it religious, political or philosophical), some good can be extracted. Amidst the madness of the Hitlerian concept, one point stands out as a shining example of this - "Strength through Joy!"
Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey"Aesthetics more than anything else are the common ground between Satanism and fascism. The aesthetics of National Socialism and Satanism dovetail."
Magistra Blanche Barton"There is no "heaven of glory bright", and no hell where sinners roast. There is no Right, there is no Wrong - nor God - nor Son - nor Ghost.
Ragnar Redbeard"It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful."
Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
Albert Einstein
"There is no sin except stupidity."
Oscar Wilde
"Hell must be a pretty swell spot, because the guys that invented religion have sure been trying hard to keep everybody else out."
Al Capone"They say there's a heaven for those who will wait
Some say it's better but I say it ain't
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints
the Sinners are much more fun...
you know that only the good die young."
Billy Joel
An eclectic assortment of dark delights and sentimental songs spanning
Industrial, Black metal, Gothic Metal, Classical, Doom, Apocalyptic Folk, Noise, Death Metal, Electronica, Euro Girl Pop, Fascist Marching tunes, Avant Garde, Thrash, Cabaret, Experimental, Old-school Metal/Rock, Synth Pop etc...
Some favourites (Random order):
Marc Almond/Soft Cell
Boyd Rice/NON
Anton LaVey
Peter H. Gilmore
Rose McDowell
Le'rue Delashay
Paradise Lost
Death In June
Kim Wilde
Nine Inch Nails
My Dying Bride
Blood Axis
Depeche Mode
Dimmu Borgir
Richard Wagner
Scott Walker
Type O Negative
Billy Joel
Electric Hellfire Club
Throbbing Gristle
Marilyn Manson
Dark Funeral
The Pet Shop Boys
Modest Mussorgsky
Ace of Base
David Bowie
Sergei Rachmaninoff
Nick Cave
Little Peggy March
France Gall
Tori Amos
Psychic TV
Lacuna Coil
Frozen Shadows
Morbid Angel
Wolfen Society
The Cure
Fear Factory
The Prodigy
Alec Empire
Danny Elfman
Uriah Heep
Der Blutharsch
Anton Bruckner
The Gathering
Current 93
Strawberry Switchblade
... and many more!
There are many great movies that I have yet to see but from what I have seen, here are some favourites:
Pearls Before Swine, The Devil's Advocate, Sin City, Akira, Street Fighter (animated), Ghost in the Shell, Rocky, The Terminator,Blade Runner, Dracula, Rosemary's Baby, The Wicker Man (Original), The Matrix, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Omen, Donnie Darko, Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Cabaret, Secretary, Westworld, X-Men, Batman, Saw, Robocop, The Godfather, Scarface, Ocean's Eleven (Original), The Snowman, A.W.O.L., Monsters Inc, Ice Age, Rambo, Fantasia, Fight Club, Snatch, Goodfellas...
Sifting through the majority of bullshit I have found the following treats:
Family Guy, Benny Hill, Bottom, Nathan Barley, Peep Show, The Office, Derren Brown, The Young Ones, Fawlty Towers, Black Adder, Absolutely Fabulous, Red Dwarf, Father Ted, Third Rock from the Sun, WWF/WWE/UFC/TNA Wrestling, Black Books, The Simpsons, Futurama, King of The Hill, Beavis & Butt-Head, Ren & Stimpy, South Park, Brainiac, Mythbusters, Scientific and Historical programmes.
Dr. Anton LaVey, Friedrich Nietzsche, Ragnar Redbeard, Boyd Rice, Jim Goad, Michael Moynihan, Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, Gavin Baddeley, Jack London, Mark Twain, H. G. Wells...
As with the movies there are so many books I want to read but haven't got around to yet.