''...This world isn't a bad place, its beautful with endless possibilities and experiences. You just have to see the beauty - life is amazing, its an adventure. We all have the power to create the way we want to live, and the only ones stopping us from obtaining our dreams is ourselves.
Do what you love, enjoy every day and love life!...''
myspace graphic at Gickr
Reach for the moon - if you miss you'll land amongst the stars ....
"Its all about imagination"
"Its all about imagination"
I Read this in Pat Lee's profile:
What's up with all the stuck up people in the world? Listen... It's nice to appreciate the finer things in life, but you'll live without it. My personal choice....a girl that dresses in a tank top and jeans over "Van Dutch" anyday of the week. I was talking with this chick the other day and the first question that pops up is "What kind of car do you drive?." What kind of crap is that? My answer was a Lexus now fuck off. The way I see it... if you can judge me by the type of clothes I wear and the car I drive, you'd better be well off on your own. And i'm not talking about the people around who get spoiled by their parents and still live at home. Having their car still in their parents name and don't make their own payments. I mean don't get me wrong...it must be nice. But you ain't shit until you buy your own shit.
My Mum and Dad - My family, my real friends, people who make their dreams come true, puppy dogs and children, my neices and nephews, and my dog!