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Beware of things that go BUMP in the night!

About Me

OK thought I'd better write something about myself sooooo... here's a little sneek peak into my world (If you can be bothered to read all of the below)...
Two Names You Go By:
Freckles, Absinthe but usually the less creative Abby or Abs!
Two Parts of Your Heritage:
English & French.
Two Things That Scare You:
Snakes & The Dentist
Two of Your Everyday Essentials:
Laptop & Lip gloss
Two Truths:
I have an Evil twin, and... Sometimes I lie about having an Evil Twin.
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You:
Eyes & Smile.
Two of Your Favourite Hobbies:
Sex & Traveling.
Two Ways that you are stereotypically a Chick:
I have probably have enough clothes to dress the 3rd world & anything sad/happy/romatic on TV makes me cry.
If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
Hell yeah, I'm great!
Do looks matter?
Depends what for? I like to think not, but personally I've got to find someone attractive if I'm going to be MORE than friends with them, if you know what I mean... Just being honest!
Do you trust others easily?
Generally if someone knows me well enough to have seen me naked, and visa versa I trust them!
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Absolutely Not!
Hair Colour?
Brunette as always.
Eye Colour?
I'm a Brown eyed Girl... sha la la la
Favourite food?
Sushi and Junk food... kebabs, McDs, KFC... LOVE IT!
Summer or Winter?
Summer... I totally have S.A.D.
What's your favourite board game?
Pictionary, I kick ass...BRING IT ON!
Definitely one day.
Favourite Sound?
The sea.
Worst feeling in the world?
Toothache! Seriously!
First thing you think in the Morning?
Do I have to get up?
How Many Rings before you answer the phone?
Depends how far away the phone is.
Favourite Colour?
What is most important in your life?
Making the most of it... Life is too short not to enjoy yourself.
If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
I'd love to be able to play the Guitar really well, but I reckon I'd be a badass drummer!
Do you like to drive fast?
I'm the very lucky owner of a very swanky Porsche... so it's practically compulsory isn't it?
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
It hasn't come to that yet!
What type was your first car?
A Pimped up Suzuki Vitara... Barbie eat yer heart out!
Who is the one person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to?
My Grandad
Favourite alcoholic drink?
Vodka & Cranberry... or Purple Rain! Love it! But I don't drink a lot, I'm a total light weight!
What's in the boot/trunk of your car?
Marks Golf Clubs... Grrrr... Much longer and they're going on eBay... Cheap!
Do you eat the stems on broccoli?
Sometimes... don't like them though.
If you could have any job what would it be?
I'd be a Bond Girl... 007 her I come!
Ever been in Love?
Have been for the last 8 years!
Is the Glass half full, or half empty?
Half Full... forever optimistic!
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?
Have you seen the size of my hands (they're freakishly small) so I doubt it!
What's under your bed?
Dust, magazines and I hope the TV Remote... It's been missing for a while.
What's your favourite sport to watch?
I'd rather play than watch, but my Dad & Brother are Die Hard Palace Fans so I've grown up watching the footy.
What's your favourite item of clothing?
My new True Religion Jeans, comfey but tight in the right places!
Beach, Mountains or City?
Technology or Art?
Comedy or Horror?
Favourite physical feature of the opposite sex?
Broad Shoulders, Strong Hands, Nice Smile & Kind Eyes... OK so that was more than one... what can I say... I'm Fussy!
Favourite time of the Day?
Morning (not too early though)
The last Album you bought/downloaded?
Gweny Gwen Gwen Stefani!
What's more important, strong in mind or strong in body?
Depends on what we're doing I mean an IQ of 150 doesn't help when heavy lifting.
What time do you wake up in the morning?
Generally 9 hours after whatever time it was when I went to sleep!
What's your favourite kitchen item?
Fridge... we have a Love/Hate relationship... Love it when it's full, Hate it when it's empty!
If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Invisibility! think of the mischief you could get up to!
Can you juggle?
My Life yes, balls No!
What's your favourite day?
Christmas Day/My Birthday! Or in general Friday
What Is Your Favourite Dessert?
Strawberries and Cream!
What characteristic do you despise?
People who are 2 faced... spare me the bullsh*t!
Goal you have for yourself?
To take over the world!
How would you describe your personal fashion concept?
All or nothing!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Depp (preferably dressed as a Pirate)

I Love My Friends
I have HOT friends













Dicky Boy
















Leigh Anne




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My Blog

Back from EspaƱa

We've just got back from Spain, we were out there celebrating Dickys BIG 30th BIRTHDAY along with Charlottes 28th and also to visit Marks Mum who has a place in the sunny Costa Del Sol....
Posted by Abby on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 01:18:00 PST

"Thank Heaven for Little Girls"

I went for my 17 week scan on Monday and the Dr told me that I'm expecting a... I'm so pleased, not that I minded either way but I think both me and Mark secretly wanted a Girl... and now I...
Posted by Abby on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 03:26:00 PST

Gwen Stefani Live at Wembley

This sh*t is Bananas *B*A*N*A*N*A*S* Me and Pheebs went to see the fabulous Gwen Stefani LIVE in concert at the NEW Wembley Arena on Friday night. SHE ROCKS!!! **Woo Hoo Yee Hoo** Here's some pi...
Posted by Abby on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 04:03:00 PST

Congratulations Helen & Carl

One of my very best friends Helen Chandler married Carl Johnson last Saturday. It was such a beautiful wedding and a perfect day. The Blushing Bride looked amazing in a vintage inspired dress whi...
Posted by Abby on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 05:31:00 PST

Another BIG Anouncement...

Move over Brad & Angelina... There's gonna be a NEW Mr & Mrs Smith in town. Me & Marky are getting Married! Eeeeek I'm so exicted. He proposed last Saturday with the most beautiful Ring EV...
Posted by Abby on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:11:00 PST

Yummy Mummy in Training

Here's some BIG news for those of you that don't know yet... Me & Mark are soon to be parents. I've just been for my 3 month scan and the Doc has given me the all clear. I'm so excited, I can't wa...
Posted by Abby on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 04:45:00 PST

Madness in Mexico

Been a bit Jet Lagged after a crazy week in Mexico. Luckily we managed to aviod Hurricaine Dean and relocated from Cancun to Cabo at the last minute. It was so good to meet up with our great friends ...
Posted by Abby on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 04:28:00 PST

Hels Bels Bing Hen Weekend Extravaganza!

Sorry fellas the rumours are true... the Lovely Helen Chandler is off the market and has been snapped up by the ever so charming Mr Carl Johnson. What with a HUGE diamond Ring and wedding plans s...
Posted by Abby on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 10:38:00 PST

So Poetic!

MySpace Stalkers   There once was a girl who was cool and witty, her life looked fun and her pictures were pretty.   But some were jealous and started to talk about things on her page, whic...
Posted by Abby on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 12:09:00 PST

Partyin Like ROCK STARS for my Birthday

  HUGE THANK YOU   To all the Lovely People who Made my Birthday so Fabulous! I LOVE YOU! I had the BEST night, still recovering, bit tired, and my voice still sounds like Rod Stewart! ...
Posted by Abby on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 07:17:00 PST