Hi I'm Joe Who and always happy to meet with you! What do I do? well that’s a very good question! Basically I’m a promoter been in Ibiza for over 6 years invading spaces and freaky places to create environments for all your hardened clubbers to dance and appreciate the music we so love..
I prefer pictures to words and you can get some clues below as to what I am behind...Once upon a time I was in London working in house at Fabric until the weather got me down and the need for sun took me to Ibiza..Working with Tim Sheridan and Smokin Jo we started up Nasty Dirty Sex Music and moved from A beach bar called ciao rosina into Space and on to Ministry in London! this was a mini revolution and for those that got involved know how wicked it was..Been behind some of the biggest villa parties on the island, you know the ones you turn up to at 5am to find Danny Tenaglia tapping a rythm on glass bottle whilst Mr C and Bushwacka battle it out on the decks..
Along with my good friend Ryan O'Gorman we have rocked out a few caves in our time and devoted hours to the pirate radio stations we so love...
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HotFreeLayoutsLast summer (2006) Ryan and I got stuck into the red box of Space during Sundays legendary We Love events and started up Vitalik featuring Luciano Esse, Geddes, Bones and indeed our very own Adrian Borghi..
I am a big fan of the underground scene and despite rocking out the super clubs have been working hard with Marcus Sturgess on our Pirate parties!! Again if you missed out you missed out and perhaps do not need to know that we have our very own 150Ft Pirate boat decked out with the Funktion 1 sound!! I can tell you there was some great events supported by the likes of Bushwacka, Yousef and our locals!
so for now this me but its not the way..Its about working together to create a brighter day.. How do you feel?Get Your Own! | View Slideshow