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About Me

Professional MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider

Hello :)
After dropping out of further education in 1992 (deep dark brooding angst - the unexamined life is not worth living after all) and looking to experience a more purposeful and creative way of living, and having absolutely no intention of becoming bogged down in a 'proper' job (after gaining a qualification in chemistry the thought of wearing a white coat and washing test tubes & beakers in a laboratory for a living could could have actually been a serious option - eeegawd!), I quite by chance became a full time "jumper-ooter" - someone who jumps out of dark doorways dressed in daft historical costumes attempting to scare the pants off locals and tourists. (I even had the job of training up new 'ghosts' to be scary! Eh?) The next step was to spend many an evening walking the streets of old town Edinburgh in the guise of infamous Edinburgh highwayman - Adam Lyal (deceased), telling tales of the city's darker history, albeit in a light-hearted manner. After taking part in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in the 90's and by being involved in various creative projects during this time (video production, script writing, editing and acting) I gained entry into Equity, although given my crackpot credentials they must let anyone in these days. Currently have a managerial role (apparently) with the same Edinburgh company (The Cadies & Witchery Tours) who specialise in ghostly themed walking tours and also produce our own videos, books, award-winning documentaries and films. Four years ago we even opened our own spooky shop in the heart of Old Town Edinburgh. It's a really great place to work with terrific staff!

However, my real interests and passions like in the voluntary sector, and since 1995, I have doggedly been helping to co-ordinate group work in Scotland with Share International - an educational, not for profit, non-denominational foundation giving out free information about the gradual emergence of Maitreya - the World Teacher, and the Masters of Wisdom into our everyday world. These enlightened spiritual teachers (or avatars) are here to help us with our most difficult global problems and inspire us to create a new world based on sharing, economic and political justice and global co-operation for ALL people. This is an educational endeavour, vast in scope, that takes up most of my spare time (public lecturing, networking, campaigning etc) and is quite simply the most fantastic work I have ever had the good fortune to be involved in.If you have never heard this story before its well worth checking out - its a REAL MESSAGE OF HOPE given the chaotic and conflict-ridden world that we currently live in (please see video below) as it appeals to our highest aspiration for a better world with the focus on the practical changes that are now taking place to make this possible. One of my main reasons for creating a profile on MySpace was to share this information with others - not that I am asking anyone to believe (or disbelieve) this story, but simply to consider with an open mind and an open heart as something that could possibly be true. If, however, this information is true, then it has major implications for positive global change. Further information on this extraordinary event as it continues to unfold can be found at:
Another service activity connected with Share International is transmission meditation, which is primarily a form of world service that also has tremendous personal benefits for the individuals involved. It is a safe, highly scientific and simple group meditation, for the purpose of transmitting spiritual energies, which thus become useful and accessible to the general public. If anyone is looking for a field of service and is also interested in meditation I would strongly suggest trying out transmission meditation. The Edinburgh Transmission Group currently meets three times a week. Admission is always free and everyone is welcome.
Since 2002, I have been co-ordinating monthly film & dialogue group meetings in Edinburgh that explore the teachings of educator - J Krishnamurti - which aim to develop a holistic and deeper understanding of life and oneself. Am now an information centre contact for 'K' activities in Edinburgh. Further information can be found at:
Being interested in creative self-expression, in 2006 I joined the 'Radical Enlightenmentarians', an inclusive and voluntary drama group who performed several docu-dramatic play readings at St Mark's artSpace venue at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. The plays, 'David Hume - Citizen of the World' and 'Socrates - Last Days and Legacy', and 'Jeremy Bentham - The Pursuit of Happiness' (Go to Court, Not to War!), all highlight the crucial need for dialogue and justice in today's troubled world. At the Fringe Festival in 2008, we are producing a play reading entitled: 'Adam Smith - Making Poverty History'. The Radicals have recently received a Scotland UnLtd millennium award to create a website and to lay the foundation for future contributions to the Arts. Further details at:
Am also involved in promoting, supporting, networking and helping with various inter-spiritual, multi-faith, and social & political justice related events in Edinburgh, such as 'One World' themed concerts, and in 2006 helped to organise the first visit to Scotland by yogi Swami Vishwananda for a public darshan event. Further information on Swamiji can be found at:
Information on the Edinburgh World Justice Festival at:
Information on the Edinburgh International Centre for World Spiritualities:
Information on Edinburgh Inter-Faith Association:

Would like to hear from anyone, even those with nothing but rabid irreverent abuse! Don't be shy! :)

My Interests

Transmission Meditation. Truth. Global concerns and responsibilities - the reality of living in One World and what that implies. World Transformation. Sharing, Justice and Peace. Working conscientiously and with a spiritual foundation. Evolution of consciousness and integrated spirituality. Creativity in its various forms. Art, Music and Photography. Films and Theatre. Living, breathing and not merely taking up empty space. Work! Clowning around. Unity in Diversity. Magic, Mysteries and The Unknown. Being proactive and not reactive. Understanding and going beyond the pairs of opposites...

I'd like to meet:

Filmmaker Sorious Samura. 'Living with Hunger' offers a shocking insight into the daily grind facing millions of people on our planet. Wake up People! Wake up! Living with Hunger, Ethiopia
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Swami Vishwananda - Dec 06 talk


Don't listen to all that much music these days as I prefer absorbing silence or listening to thoughtful conversations or inspiring dialogues. However, I like songs with a certain depth and intensity and tunes that tell a story. Some of my favourite artists are: The Waterboys, Mike Scott, The Church and Steve Kilbey related ventures, Ed Kuepper, Terry Lee Hale, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, The Chameleons and any Mark Burgess project (the man has never released a bad record - a genius!), Neil Young, Bruce Springsteen, Loreena McKennitt, Lisa Gerrard, Cocteau Twins & Elizabeth Fraser, Emmylou Harris (some tracks on 'Red Dirt Girl' and 'Wrecking Ball' are so moving they are a spiritual experience), Annie Lennox, Eddi Reader, Craig Armstrong, Peter Gabriel, Red House Painters, Keane, The Killers, Coldplay, A-ha, U2, New Order, New Model Army, The The, The Verve, Richard Ashcroft. Arvo Part, Kronos Quartet. Piano Music. Old School hip hop - Boogie Down Productions and KRS-ONE.
+ Various Classical, Roots & Accoustic, Experimental, Alternative, Indie and World music artists. Too many to mention!

I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.


Shawshank Redemption. Groundhog Day. Wings of Desire. Dances with Wolves. It's a Wonderful Life. Lagaan. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Trading Places. The Seventh Seal. Restless Natives. The Thin Red Line. No Man's Land. Manhattan Murder Mystery. Naked. Baraka. The Qatsi Trilogy. Mulholland Drive. Lost Highway. Red Rock West. Dawn of the Dead (original), Dead Poets Society. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Lord of the Rings. The Matrix. Indiana Jones. Blade Runner. World Cinema in general. Psychological thrillers. (Mike Leigh, Ken Loach, David Lynch, Wim Wenders, Michael Moore).


Don't really have the time (or interest) in television although I make an exception for '24' and Prison Break. John Pilger and Sorious Samura films and similar cutting edge documentaries. Unreported World. Anything by comedians Mark Thomas, Rob Newman and Mark Steel. Have I Got News For You. Billy Connolly. Old re-runs of Twin Peaks and the mischievous squirrels from Trigger Happy TV. The films of David Attenborough, especially the wonderful 'Life Collection' dvd boxset. Krishnamurti in conversation with Professor Allan W Anderson in a series of 18 dialogues entitled 'A Different Way of Living'.


Well, over the past 15 years the following have been important reading at one time or another: Colin Wilson (The Outsider). Nietzsche (Thus Spoke Zarathustra). Homer (The Odyssey). The 'Sandman' graphic novels by Neil Gaiman. Dante Alighieri (The Divine Comedy). Herman Hesse (Siddhartha and Steppenwolf). George Bernard Shaw (Man and Superman). The 'Poetry and Prose' of William Blake. The Notebooks of Paul Brunton. The novels of Dion Fortune. The esoteric philosophy of Alice A. Bailey (esp. Ponder on This & Serving Humanity). Aart Jurriaanse (Bridges). Murdo Macdonald-Bayne (Beyond the Himalayas and The Yoga of the Christ). Calvin & Hobbes :) Philip Pullman's 'His Dark Materials' trilogy. The art and wrintings of Helena & Nicolas Roerich, especially the 'Agni Yoga' teachings. Various from educator J Krishnamurti (esp. Freedom from the Known, Education and the Significance of Life). The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama. Paramahansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi). The art and books of Benjamin Creme, especially Maitreya's Mission Volume 2, The Great Approach and The Art of Living.
+ Various from eastern and western saints, mystics and philosophers.
The End of Poverty by Jeffrey Sachs. The North-South reports by the Brandt Commission. When Corporations Rule the World by David Korten. Gesundheit by Patch Adams.


Not sure about heroes really, but anyone who inspires and uplifts and that's quite a list. Perhaps the most important has been Benjamin Creme - a contemporary Scottish-born painter, writer and futurist whose books are simply astonishing for their sheer scope of vision, underlying message of unity and revelatory content. Read them and grow wise!!

My Blog


TRANSMISSION MEDITATION Do you want to help the world and build a stronger connection with your own spiritual nature? Transmission Meditation is a form of service, which is simple to do, and at the ...
Posted by Cameron on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 07:29:00 PST


Imagine a world free of war, poverty and injustice where sharing and justice replace greed and competition. Where peace born of justice prevails. In the midst of today’s chaos, is this new world...
Posted by Cameron on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 07:04:00 PST


Imagine a world free of war, poverty and injustice where sharing and justice replace greed and competition. Where peace born of justice prevails. In the midst of today's chaos, is this new world possi...
Posted by Cameron on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 03:27:00 PST


TRANSMISSION MEDITATIONDo you want to help the world and build a stronger connection with your own spiritual nature? Transmission Meditation is a form of service, which is simple to do, and at t...
Posted by Cameron on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 02:59:00 PST


by the Master , through Benjamin Creme March 2003When all is said and done, there is but one way to describe the present international situation: chaotic. Power-hungry warmongers, reluctant 'agnostic...
Posted by Cameron on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 12:47:00 PST