Welcome along to my wee myspace page, there's some songs up there for you to listen to, and occassional rants in the the blogs. I've been gigging around Edinburgh and Scotland for a couple of years now and have been meaning to record an album for a while but seem to never have the time. It is coming together, slowly, and new songs will be posted very, very soon with wonderful harmonies, fiddles, drums and bass.
I'm also currently starting my own charity, NeverEndingArts, and in spring 2009 will be launching a few creative arts projects - keep your eyes peeled! It's all very exciting stuff!
I can be found most weekends in The Royal Oak, Edinburgh's finest traditional folk music pub. I go along and sing some songs, come listen - or join in! It's my favourite wee pub and plays home to some very fine folk musicians. It also recently created it's own album, "The Royal Oak - Best of Folk", which you can buy online here , or read the Sunday Times review of it here .
I also have a 5 track live EP available by request, send e an email if you'd like to order a copy! One of the tracks, "One More Day", is available to listen to above.
Well if you made it this far thank you for your interest and I hope you enjoy my music, come back one day and perhaps there will be some real recordings . . .
A very, very big thankyou to Gareth James who recorded and produced 'unwritten prose'.
Thanks to 1gig photography for the profile picture.
For further information please email carolyn@gardensessions.co.uk
(www.gardensessions.co.uk offers free downloads of the great folk music found at the Royal Oak and has a very entertaining fortnightly podcast. Please check it out!)
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