Carolyn Anona Scott profile picture

Carolyn Anona Scott

About Me

Welcome along to my wee myspace page, there's some songs up there for you to listen to, and occassional rants in the the blogs. I've been gigging around Edinburgh and Scotland for a couple of years now and have been meaning to record an album for a while but seem to never have the time. It is coming together, slowly, and new songs will be posted very, very soon with wonderful harmonies, fiddles, drums and bass.

I'm also currently starting my own charity, NeverEndingArts, and in spring 2009 will be launching a few creative arts projects - keep your eyes peeled! It's all very exciting stuff!

I can be found most weekends in The Royal Oak, Edinburgh's finest traditional folk music pub. I go along and sing some songs, come listen - or join in! It's my favourite wee pub and plays home to some very fine folk musicians. It also recently created it's own album, "The Royal Oak - Best of Folk", which you can buy online here , or read the Sunday Times review of it here .

I also have a 5 track live EP available by request, send e an email if you'd like to order a copy! One of the tracks, "One More Day", is available to listen to above.

Well if you made it this far thank you for your interest and I hope you enjoy my music, come back one day and perhaps there will be some real recordings . . .

A very, very big thankyou to Gareth James who recorded and produced 'unwritten prose'.

Thanks to 1gig photography for the profile picture.

For further information please email

( offers free downloads of the great folk music found at the Royal Oak and has a very entertaining fortnightly podcast. Please check it out!)

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My Interests


Member Since: 23/08/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

Featuring on debut album "An Introduction":

Piano - Kim Edgar
Vocals - Hailey Beavis
Guitar/bozouki/mandalin - Chris Silver
Guitar on Wild Mountain Thyme - Martin Boland
Guitar on Rosie Anderson - Euan Forfar
Bass - Al James
Fiddle - Eddy Hanson all tracks except Rosie Anderson and Winds of Sound which feature Sarah McFadyen.
Influences: I'd say everything is an influence. Even inanimate objects can bring an idea to your mind and a song will start parading through your head. Before I started playing music I listened to a wide variety of artists from Dead Prez to Johnny Cash and Art Blakey to Ian Brown. And as much as I still enjoy a wide variety of music I love nothing more than sitting in The Royal Oak taking in Traditional and contemporary folk music. My influences now come from the musicians in that genre, Karine Polwart, Richard Thompson, Martin Boland and Malinky to name just a few.

But if we don't take something from everything, whether "good" or "bad", what's the point of having the experiences!

Sounds Like: "Spine-tingling . . . genuinely unalloyed folk music" - The Sunday Times

"Her songs contain often extremely personal subject matter, but that kind which I think can be relevant to everyone at some point in their lives." -

Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

CND and "Lay Down Your Arms"

I attended a gig a couple of weeks ago organised to promote a new song book of CND (campaign for nuclear disarmanent) songs.  At first I was just going along as the line up looked pretty good but...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Nov 2008 18:17:00 GMT

A wee update, and some things that matter.

It's been a while since I wrote a blog, not very good at the whole blog thing, which is suprising given that I'm always writing and always ranting!  It's an exciting wee time right now, lots seem...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 21:31:00 GMT

a wee song

this is a little song i wrote for someone specialwhen you're lost, and you can't see past your own hurtlike a smoken glass screen tainting everything that could ever have made you smilethou...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 07:58:00 GMT

Chapter 2: The Chase

Chapter 2: The Chase Dancing erratically across the sky, held afloat by the typical Edinburgh winds I had grown to adore was a little red balloon, pulling behind it a shiny white chord.  The ...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 08:09:00 GMT

Chapter 1: The Rise

(Fictional piece - procrastination taken too far, this is what happens when I have real work to do!)Chapter 1: The Rise The sky was purple - a violet shade almost.  Not a normal, everyday "sky c...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 07:51:00 GMT

chopsticks slippers

sometimes i really wish i could materialise my thoughts . . . no, no, no . . .  wait a minute . . . .that didn't come out righti didn't mean materialise . . . and i dont quite think its thoughts ...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 10:46:00 GMT


I get to paint a room again But its a yuckycolour of yellow But it means we get to stay up all night drinking coffee and wine and writing nonsense onthe internet I prefered painting various shades of ...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 16:19:00 GMT

my own little world

its really rather nice to have my own little space to write!  I don't know if anyone actually reads what i write - im not really bothered whether people do or not i just like knowing that theres ...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 12:30:00 GMT

magical newspapers

You know those days where things just happen - and you don't quite know how you got to where you are or where you're gonna end up - your just being carried along, its such fun.  Yesterday was a d...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 06:51:00 GMT

I write songs in my head

I write songs in my head.  Sometimes the come out just like they sounded in my head.  Sometimes they come out rather refracted, like light in a raindrop, in progressing levels of beauty, nev...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 10:48:00 GMT