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"" The Best Things In Life Are Unseen
Thats Why We Close Are Eyes
When We Kiss,Cry,And Dream"
Science fiction,philosophy, spirituality, religion, physics -particularly the unified model- symphony, what it takes to develop statesman that will replace political opportunism with responsible individuals, art in all of its forms, culture in all aspects, comprehensive views.
People who want the earth to be Paradise, people who understand more than meets the eye, people who love to learn from one another, people who want all wars to have ended a long time ago, people who love, respect and appreciate all cultures, people who live and let live, people who embrace the "Do No Harm" principle.
.. ..
Everything Science Fiction particularly the old Star Trek series, Stargate SG1, and somewhat Stargate Atlantis, Andromeda; I cried when Xena ended.
Russian literature and Kafka were most foundational to my upbringing. I've read less in the past 15 years while I was reorganizing my thinking independent of literature, I am now attempting to get back to reading. Will post a list as soon as I read and believe the authors. I admire Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles but if I throw more titles it may sound like I know something about books, and I don't. Please do reccommend.
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Mark Sadler who rescued more people than he realized.
John Lennon who sang "Imagine"