A really awesome video with fantastic FX. I like it very much and that's why i put it here.
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Glitter GraphicsSylvester In Words
First things go first. A special thanks to my friend Maria for her continuous support and love she has shown me. Maria , thank you.
I was born in Athens - Greece, the year 1979, on January the 30th. In Greece this day is a feast. Religious feast. My first contact with the music came when I was 6 or 7 years old.
Then I studied the piano, not for a lot of years, in a musical faculty at my neighborhood. The schoolteacher was a little idiot, and that drove me back from the piano study. I began the synthesizer study and at the age of 13 I became a student of the "Philippos Nakas" musical study faculty (one of the bigger and very well organized faculties of Greece). When I became 18 years, I stopped the musical study and continued alone on my own way. I did not want to enter in the moulds of classic composers. The music that I write reflects my sentiments and my internal world.
These sentiments and this internal world I want to share with you. I wish you like my music and I hope to acquire my first platinum record in the next 5 years (just joking)...
My mother , some days ago, told me that when she was young, before she got married, a gipsy woman told her (while telling her destiny), that she was going to have two sons and one day the one of them would become a great, famous man, for whom the hole world would have a good word to say. In fact, my mother really brought to life two sons. Me and my brother John who is very talented in advertisment and promotion and works for one of the biggest companies in Greece (Athens).
So, the first thing the gipsy woman told her, happened..... let's wait and see what life will bring about the second....
SimulatingA DreamIs LikeLiving LifeInside A Dream
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