Confirmed Celebrities Only profile picture

Confirmed Celebrities Only

100% real celebs on this page biaaatch I love going private and pissing everyone off.

About Me

This site is the largest and hardest celeb site to get on,all the people on this page are 100% real celebs.No imposters will be added.Also note I have left a few people off because they want privacy and do not want to be harassed.Do not harass the celebs on this page with useless stupid messages,they are real people and have lives too.This page is just for entertainment purposes only and not for stalkers. This site is made for all real celebrities.Nobody but celebrities will be added.If you send me a friend request and want on the list you must show proof that you are really who you claim to be by sending me a "salute pic" of you holding a sign with your myspace url on it.If you cannot supply proof you are really who you claim to be I will deny you.This page will be going private in a few weeks after I finish sending friend request.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

"Being famous is not a reward,it's a punishment.Your job is to entertain the public and make them happy,like a clown who entertains a king,and like a clown when your not funny no more the media beheads you.Your every move is under constant watch,you can't go anywhere or do anything without worrying about what your doing or what you say.Every aspect of your life is under close watch.You have to wear what the public wants you to wear,so you go and buy a ten thousand dollar versace dress just to impress them while they wear a 50 dollar outfit in the audience.Your a puppet.But I know deep down your like the rest of us.You laugh,you cry,you like to see your friends and family.You want a day where you can just go out with friends and not have fans or paparazzi following you.I can lie,cheat,and steal and when I leave jail noone cares.But you can slip up and say the wrong thing and get sued,or smoke a bowl of weed and people still talk about it ten years later even though they all do it everyday.So to me your life is a punishment,maybe from a previous life or whatever.I pray that some day people will realise that your just a person like the rest of us,you eat,drink,sleep,shit and eventually will die just like us.So thanks to all of you for putting that smile on my face when I needed it,and maybe,just maybe someday,somewhere,I will be able to repay my debt to you."


Tiffany Alana.Her designs are amazing.

My Blog

New Virus Alert (Repost)

This is mainly a repost from my friend mark ( with a little bit I added for you celebs.  NEW INFO THIS IS A NEW VIRUS ALERT!! If you have to approve your comments and g...
Posted by Confirmed Celebrities Only on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 05:28:00 PST

Privacy Issues

Ok it has come to my attention that more and more stars want their personal myspace pages hidden from the public,as a result I have made this page private.Also if you are interested in making it almos...
Posted by Confirmed Celebrities Only on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 07:36:00 PST