I am very thankful that life has allowed me to cultivate many interests. My strongest and most passionate interest is learning. I am happiest when I am learning something new... whether it's reading, traveling, pumping people for questions, or throwing myself in the mix to see what happens. This constant sense of drug abuse and dizziness is also my greatest asset.
I am also passionate about athletics. I have been an athlete all my life and get a real high from competition.
The last of my three biggest interests is travel. I have been the American Ibn Battuta for the past nine years.
And finally... steak dinner at Sizzler.. it is where I do my best work!
More Jedi's
I'm into everything... especially K-FED (God, I hope he and Britney stay together and make an album!!)... I am not into any hip-hop released in the last 14 months.
Godfather I & II are my favorites, Fog of War, the public private Goodfellas, and of course, your mother's home made pornos... Oh yeah the best to come....OXY-MORONS.
History Channel, Discovery and ESPN, Frontline, Nova, Donnie Deutch, Charlie Rose, The Office, Ultimate Fighter, Red Sox games, Sportcenter, Jim Rome... oh yeah, shitin' on people is a good show...
Anything by Thomas Friedman, Thom Wolff, Milan Kundura, and John Krakauer for fun.Khalil Gibran, St Thomas Aquinas and The Bible for the spirit.Jared Diamond, Plato, and Peter Drucker for the head.How to repair the Bridge (unkown)
Mom, Tom, The Barber, Anthony, Al Sharpton, and Bobby Nine Piece.