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About Me

My name is JOSHUA MIKÆL and I have been a vegetarian for 2 years and I just recently earned my Vegan Badge, thanks in great part to .
In the spirit of Fight Club, Old School, and the "Shit Happens" t-shirt phenomenon, my friend Mike G. and I , started Venice Vegans to bring something to being green that being green just doesn't seem to have: a cooler-than-cool mantra. So cool, in fact, that it's philosophically unassailable.
That being said, this MySpace page is meant to serve one singular purpose: to show, through cool stuff to wear, the superior philosophical principles attributed to the compassionate-diet lifestyle.
"Going vegetarian" isn't a simple thing to do in our modern society because the Meat Industry is too profitable for alternative diets to have a shot at being made readily available; otherwise, we believe there would be more than the 10,000,000 vegetarians that currently live in the U.S. That's more than we thought there would be before we did some research, but with 290,000,000 carnivores just roaming the streets looking for some dead cow or dead pig or dead lamb, it's time for Team Green to take back the streets with gear that will assertively put any meat-eater in check!
The goal of the shirts and various other things we've created is to give you, the compassionate-diet person, a voice that cannot be ignored by someone simply because they have never thought to question a diet that essentially generates obscene profits for a select few at the expense of billions of animals every year. FYI--heart disease, which is one of the leading causes of death in America , is consistently linked to a meat diet.
"The most formidable weapon against
errors of every kind is reason."

This quote is by Thomas Paine , a colonial philosopher who immigrated to America from England. In early 1776 he self-published a political treatise called Common Sense, which led to the signing of the Declaration of Independence in July of the same year.
6 months is pretty effective if you ask us, although we're not expecting America or the world to go green anytime soon (instant progress happens too fast for anyone to profit from!). We would, however, like to see vegetarians and vegans endowed with a superior set of talking points that do not simply trump the predictable things that carnivores say in defense of their diet, but move them to potentially see how they have been made easy targets by the Meat Industry by not questioning the diet they've grown up on.
Negatives to being an easy target:
Most everyone is an easy target for the Auto Industry and the result is we have a hole in the ozone layer. Go see Al Gore's documentary on the realities of Global Warming called An Inconvenient Truth and you will see just how bad being an easy target for the Auto Industry is for every single person on the planet, as well as the planet.
Most everyone is an easy target for the Meat Industry and the result is that as a species we have almost no aversion to eating meat--but is eating meat NECESSARY for our survival anymore?
We say humanity is capable of moving past that now, but just like the electric car , tofu and all the kick ass vegetables out there in the world are in danger of never doing for humanity what they could--elevating us as a species to an intellectual state of mind that warrants our dominion over this planet.
But it's not too late--If an English immigrant could start the American Revolution in just 6 months with nothing more than a simple pamphlet, then the 10,000,000 million vegetarians in America can start a trend that will make us all sleep better at night--wearing our intellectual and philosophical superiority loud and proud!
So check out the gear because we know that everyone on Team Green will love it!
And thanks for reading all the way down to the bottom...we wish there were more people like you.

My Interests

A compassionate-diet lifestyle.

I'd like to meet:


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Inspiring Vegetarians

Da Vinci

Benjamin Franklin


Killer Kowalski

Bill Walton


More to come...

My Blog

Study confirms eating meet as bad as cars for ozone!!!

So a recent study by the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO-UN) recently published some very interesting and, I believe, alarming findings upon completion of a massive global l...
Posted by VeniceVegans on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 10:20:00 PST