reading into the wee hours of the morrning.
also: singing, music, my cats, comics, information, sleep, insomniatic revelations, truth, code, red wine, html, geeky antics, prose, linguistics, snow, technological advances, opera, fruit, design, victorian furniture, antiquated objects, visuals, dada, korean history, cloves, adventuring, thrifting, photography, painting, cooking, function, quantum physics, string theory. magical eggplants. the archaic and the odd. aging photographs. cups of tea.
I'd like to meet:
Genuine people. Nice people. Wherever you are, step forward!
also, perhaps a boy/girl that says this:
You are in danger of drowning in the world of the senses; ours is the danger of suffocating in an airless void. You are an artist; I am a thinker.
~ Herman Hesse, Narcissus and Goldmund
my taste ranges from roaring twenties jingles to the aquabats! to don giovanni... you really can't pigeonhole me. or maybe you already have. either way, i have excellent taste in music, that's for sure! i know what i like, and i know what i don't like. and that usually applies to people that sing out of tune. *twitch*
alien sex fiend, the aquabats!, ausgang, bauhaus, the birthday party, bjork, caberet voltaire, the chameleons, coil, the dancing did, devo, einsturzende neubauten, foetus, joy division, klaus nomi, maximum joy, princess tinymeat, psychedelic furs, theatre of hate, sigor ros, siouxie and the banshees, skeletal family, tear garden, uk decay, (early) virgin prunes
i don't have one!
i love to read. i always have. if i don't have something to read, i get flighty. in some ways, i think my literary taste is as random as i can be from time to time. *squee!*
terry prachett, albert camus, franz kafka, philip k. dick, haruki murakami, homer, chip kidd, h.p. lovecraft, john steinbeck, neil gaiman, fyodor dostoeyevsky, dorothy parker, jacques prevert, arthur rimbaud, the harry potter series (seriously), and the ass saw the angel by nick cave (again, seriously), geek love by katherine dunn, le petit prince by antoine de saint-exupery, and a confederacy of dunces.
to give you an idea of my taste - books/authors i do NOT like: dean koonz, anne rice, the lovely bones by anne sebold, and most writing by the bronte sisters.
Chip Kidd, Klaus Nomi, and Margaret Cho.