80's, a perfect circle, a-line haircuts, adult swim, aesthetics, alan rickman, anoles, anti-hate, anti-racism, apocalypse culture, bdsm, big shoes, body modification, boots, boyd rice, brie cheese, british accents, brooklyn accents, burlesque, catherine coatney, cheese, chocolate, cigarettes, cirque du soleil, cloves, clubbing, coney island, corsets, cuba, current 93, david bowie, der todesking, dervishes, drum n' bass, econoline crush, elegant gothic lolita, england, erotic asphyxiation, erotica, err, faith and the muse, feindflug, fetish, fetish photography, floria sigismondi, frank, geoffrey rush, goth, goth clothing, hair dye, hentai, hex, hindu deities, hookahs, hugo weaving, industrial, james gandolfini, jan svankmajer, jan van eyck, japanese noise music, jemima rooper, jim rose, jim woodring, kali, karl hyde, korg, large crowds, law and order: svu, live shows, lizards, lords of acid, love spirals downwards, lovespirals, marilyn manson, marina chavez, mario bros., masonna, medium format cameras, merovingian, merzbow, mickey rourke, music, natural light, necromantik, nicholas cage, nin, noise, non, our lady peace, peter murphy, photography, poe, professor snape, projekt records, quidam, ralf strathmann, ralph bakshi, ralph fiennes, reading, religious icons, respect, rivetheads, robbie rotten, rock, roqueras, roqueros, school of visual arts, scott weiland, servo, shoes, sid and marty krofft, sideshows, sleeping, smoking, sneezing dogs, snow, social distortion, spanking, stephen dorff, suits, surfacing subway trains, the apocalypse, the brooklyn bridge, the o'reilly factor, the simpsons, the smiths, titus andronicus, tool, tori amos, u2, underworld, vampire hunting, vintage nintendo, vodka debauchery, whim, windows, writing, zamora the torture king.
Dudes who have time machines in their closets.
Breakcore, select EBM, rock, select new wave, POST-PUNK, industrial, early industrial, 90's dance music [yes, it's exactly what you think it is], drum n' bass, darkstep, drone...
I'll never say that I listen to everything [it makes it sound as if I have bad taste], but I have varied favorites: Coil, Current 93, Death in June, Underworld, Black Tape for a Blue Girl, NON, Boyd Rice, U2, Tori Amos, HeXaNe, Navicon Torture Technologies, Tool, Public Image Limited, Doubting Thomas, cEVIN kEY, Skinny Puppy, The Church, Bell Hollow, Curve, Gridlock, Enduser, Lovespirals, Foetus, Lydia Lunch, Man and Machines, The Cocteau Twins, Girls Against Boys, the Happy Mondays, AFI, As Lonely as Dave Bowman...
When I hear Music...
The Stargate, The Hellraiser Series [Sans number 3], SLC Punk, Virtuosity, Office Space, Anchorman, Chicken Run, Summer of Sam, Half-Baked, Beavis and Butthead Do America,
Okay, so I thought I watched an obscene amount of TV. Turns out, I really don't and leave the sucker on as background noise.But when I pay attention: The Simpsons, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, The O'Reilly Factor, The Adult Swim Lineup, Scrubs
The Dirty Havana Trilogy, Rip it Up and Start it Again: Post-Punk 1978-1983, Drugs Are Nice, Apocalypse Culture, Delta of Venus, Counterparts
Floria Sigismondi, Luis Antonio Aguero, Pedro Juan Guitierez, Andres Serrano