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What is the Christian Coalition? Many of you have probably heard of it, and more than likely it hasn't been positive (would you expect anything less from the media?). Simply put, the coalition mobilizes people of faith and gets them out of their pews and into social and poliical activism - beyond the vote. We are non-partisan. Check out for more info.Of course we understand it begins with the heart and God's timing in working on the individual to genuinely change one's worldview, so we aren't out to preach some sort of political-gospel, but rather to educate and mobilize the believer(s) who needs to put his or her faith into action on the civic front.Our founder, Pat Robertson, learned the potential of this when he ran for the Presidential nomination in 1988. Although he didn't win, he sparked something in a large group of believers and as a result the Christian Coalition was birthed. The affect the coalition has had on the political landscape is real and profound.Although many Christians don't like to get their hands dirty in politics, it is necessary. The role of government is to restrain evil (Romans 13:3-4). How can we expect government to fulfill this role if we aren't putting their feet to the fire?As for me, at heart I am a political activist who was on his way to becoming a pastor when I discovered I would have to muzzle my views due to the church's allegiance to the almighty god of 501(c)(3)-tax-exemption-status. After this detour, I cut my teeth while starting a local county chapter in IL and then I worked in DC. After DC, I took a job in the publishing industry which bored me to tears. God had other plans to lead me back into public policy and politics and has blessed me with the opportunity to do law school. I am about to complete year number 2 with 1 more to go!