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metalheads against racism

I am in holidays for more than one month take care!! No Racis

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Metal Head With Clean Mind. Metal head who thinks that our music must fight bad ideas which destroy our world: Terrosism,Racism,the lie of religion. Please dont join us if you're hypocrite and just want to lie about your opinions, if you're racist , if you're against people who are differents from you, you can get out and fuck off.




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By joining Metalheads Against Racism, we declare:We believe that all human beings are born equal.The Metal scene is not open to those propagating the idea that some people are inferior to others because of their race or culture. We will not allow Heavy Metal to become a forum for their racist views. Members:Aborted Abrasive Rock.Com Adam Scott, Longview, TX Adrenochrome Alex Estevez - Miami, FL Alexander Kockel Aliengates Already Salted Annuart Amagortis Antagaroth Asthatica Austrian Melodic Metal Austrian Rock Magazin AViMa Axis of Evil Tim Aymar Ball of the Damned - Official Swedish Scanner Website Banging Chris Baptiste Clémot (Batcho) Bay Area Obernzenn Bed of Thorns Behind the Laughter Bjoern R. Ruijter Black 7 Blackbird's Zone Black Friday Bleeding Aura Bong Baby Go Sub B.O.A. Inc. Boltman Breaker Brett Conger, 26-year old school teacher, Miami FL, USA Bushmado Web-Zine C-Dick Forumu Carnal Decay Cast Away CDPOCOS Celtic Metal Festival Censored Cham Woo Soon, Malaysia Chano Godlike, Denmark Chaos in Solingen Charly Catacombe Nile Fan Site Chery Müller Chris James, Metalhead from the Northeast Chris Stöckli Chris X, Philadelphia PA, USA. Stompin' Nazis since 1990. Christian van Langendonck - São Paulo, Brazil Unofficial COB Hatecrew Fanclub cold-blood Conny Wessmann-Haus/Grind the Nazi Scum Conspiracy Contrastruct Corban Corey Patterson, 20 Metalhead from South Bend, IN Covenant of Death Unofficial Morbid Angel Fanclub C.R.A.M. The Cranium Creeping Vengeance cRo)(d Cropment Cryonic Temple Daniel AKA Crusader Daniel Schnoz from the band Liquor in Front Dannys Empire Dark Matter Dark Age Darkmoon Dave Schalek, High School Physics Teacher, California. 33 years old David Nunez, Peru Dawn of Metal Dead to the World Weblog Deathmetalhardcore Enterprises Deep Above Surface Deep Mourning Demosys Demure Depresion Desodaction Diego Ballesteros, Exorcius, Mexico Divine Torment Disparaged Fans Dissectomy Dissonance Circle Domo Del Metal Don Promillo Dornensturm Downscarred DragonFire Dragonrage Draught Beer Drazen, Metalhead from Croatia Dreams of Dispair Dreamtide Drifting Breed The Druid Dryrot Dual Edge Duck, Band: Goat, Houston, TX Ecclipse Egyptland 88 No Lixo Ekishnugal Elctrikchair/a ELKS-Syndicate Eluveitie Epitaph, Minsk Evasive Eventide Evil Shell The Exciter Page EXcruciating Pain Exotherm Exposed Guts eyes see red Fabrizio, Shock Troopers, Palermo, Italy Fallout Fast Food Generation Felice Lococo Female Metalheads Against Bigotry Fetus Christ Fiendish Gloom Flatlands Forensico Musikportal Dortmund Frank La Terra Frans Duorado, 25, headbanger from Brazil Freak's Haven Der Froschkönig in Gelsenkrichen Fuck Fascism - Metalheads Against Brown Insanity Fullbordell Galloglass Gerbophilia GMAN-Clan Gabriel Nützi (Hackintosh) Guitaraddict's Lair God Bless the Hemorrhoids Goddess of Deth's Domain GodMode OFF Grave of Brutality Fanzine Graveyard Underground Zine Greg P Guardian of Metal Guerrilla Hangover Hannibal Sterling Happy Hippos Massaker Hearse Heart-of-Metal Heavylaw Heavy Metal Is the Law Heavy Place Hedgehog Studios Heretic Hirax Hollow Point Ian Cantrill, Australia Iconoclast Impurity In Flames Österreich Infecdead Inner Aggression Inner Surge Interferences In-Quest Irrelevant Irreverence Isle of Avalon Jack Slater James Wood, 15-year old Metalhead from Ontario, Canada James Paicopolos AKA metalwarrior220/Massachusetts Students Public Research Group Jared Carlson, 17, singer/guitarist in Inviscerated. Niles, Michigan. Jarret Altland Jason Lee Taylor, NC, USA Jason Moore, The Blue Echo Jimi Cook Experience Jeff Shaver, An Orchid Heaven Scent Jenn Matthews - Jen's Metal Page Jenny's Dornenmeer Jeremy Emmons Jim M., California Joe Barnes Joey's Page John - Introduction to Anti-Racism - THE BAND Johnny Metal Johnny Zerocide Jose "Archeoptrix" Macall Joshis DBZ-Page Judas Cradle Productions Jumping Frog Just Darkness Kataplexia Killer Clown Metal Mailorder Killers Killers/ Kim, MyunJoong, 24-year-old journalist, Seoul, Korea - SHINCHON CLUB The Knights of Tethys Knowhere Knueppelsubbe Kokopelli Recordings Kristoffer Sunna, Sweden Lance, drummer from WipLash Lead Meltdown Leonardo Mosquera Leichenmangel Leng tch'e Lithium Loading Data Lord George Lord of the Thunder Lord Severance Lords of Judgement Metal Zine Lost Chapter Lost in Nowhere LunaR RebeL Luznad Madolin Mandi/Fools of Destruction - link 1 link 2 link 3 Maniac Aliens Tankard-Fanclub Manuel Dünki Marooned Martyrs of Darkness Mario Zapata, member of Black/Death Power Metal Band DARKLORD, Peru Matt Mullen Matt Yuricic Matthew Grant Matthew "Psycho Matthias" Woodruff Matthias Schwarz, Alzey, Germany Mauer Records Maximilian Weidauer / D.Devil Megadeth Pennsylvania Meikwei Austrian Melodic Metal Mesi Begert, Switzerland Metal Act Metal Bunker Silvère, Metal Chroniques Metal Die Hard Front Metal Division Metal Domination Webzine Metal Dragon/Länkar MetalDuesseldorf Metal Dungeon MetalFreak Metal Heart MetalliBash 2002 Metalize-it Metallysee Booking Agency Metalmob Ahlen Metal Mexico MetalNetworkS Inc. Metal News Austria Metalord The Metal Realm MetalRealm Metal Rob's Heavy Metal Index Metal Rules! - home / articles on Metal and racism Metal Sofa Metalspheres Metal Underground Metal Unleashed METALWORKS - Radio 4BCR - Bundaberg - AUSTRALIA Michael Kurray Michael Strayez, male - New Jersey. GhOzT PrOdUcTiOnZ The Middle of Nowhere Petzi from Midgard Mikael's Megadeth Page Mind's Dark Hole Minkovas Misbegotten Morbid Beauties Moribund Oblivion Morcego Illustrado Mordor Morrigu Mozek Motors Myriad of Peepholes -MYSELF- nächtlich thränet Nailhead Nasty Vermin Negative Theory Nekropolis Neue Zeitung Neon Sunrise Nick "Prot" Kokkalis, Cyprous, Politics Student. Nikhil Patel Nils Grünwald, Germany Nimbufera Nitroglycerin auf 4 Pfoten Not Like Most Records Noz Pagan Magazine NRWDM (Nordrhein-Westfalen Death Metal) Nuclear Warfare Obsidian Of Infinity Omar "Brood of Evil" Colon Omega Orion Child Osculum Obscenum Overdub Overstep Parasite Bomb Parazide Patus Musicworld Perpetual Demise Los Perros del Diablo Peter Milner,Metal fan from England. Petrified Philadelphia Anti Racist Action Pierre Stöckli Planet Heavy Metal Podrão Home Page Purgatory's Gate Pragma, Madison WI Pravda Profanity Racheal Mayhugh Raegan Mosher Rage Against Racism Openair reality is a joke Reckless Tide Redian Reitermaniacs - 1. offizieller Die Apokalyptischen Reiter-Fanclub Rellik René Veerkamp Requiem Rex Emmons Riddler4Bundeskanzler Rikki La Rouge Ripped 2 Shreds Rob Pierce Rochelle McLean, Bitter Cyanosis Almond Rock Hard Magazine RockNew Rose Garrett Rugad Sandkeller Openair Sandro Klopfstein The Sanitarium Sardcofago Webzine Satan's Playground at Tablet Newspaper Schnitz Sean M. Woodman Ron Moody, Indiana, Seeds of Evil Shaunography Scabies Scathing Scavengours SCB Fanclub Interlaken schizo SchwarzerDrachen19 Scobeys, Southeast Texas, USA Sebastian Jänke, Age of Innocence Self Infliction Sepsis Serpentine Shadow's Far Shattered Sanity Shattered Sic Maggot, Demolition Skate-Co Sick Society Sickos In Charge Shrine of Echoes Simon Kongshoj, Denmark The Sinister Plan Webradio Skuld Skullkrusher Slaine Smash the Skull S.N.U.G., Dresden Söhne Idsteinz SonOfEvil Sonic Splendour Magazine Soul Horse Source Code Sp1, 15 years, Norway Steelwolf Stefan Kristoffersen Stephan Schirmer Steve A.J. Dylag, Dresden Steven Vock, Dresden Stone Circus Stone Vengeance Stoneface Stormgarde Strangulation Swiss-M.I.N.D. Synthetic Future t-bor Taste of Black Jenn Matthews - Tears of Decay Tears of Rage Terminal Cancer Terra Obscura Terry Hosick Theory of Chaos Thibaud Syre This, That and the Other Thomas Goose, Britain Thorn - NRW Death Metal Tilvan Zoria Todo El Metal Del Mundo Tom "Paparazzo" Werr Torviscerizer Trapatoni ThrasH Your ASS Thrymm'tack - Stamm der Barbaren Triplesix Thy Anthem Fades Todesblei Together as One for Chuck Thomas 'Tom' Hinz Traumatic Shock Treatment The Rage Tristwood TYPEOGHOUL Ultima Utopia Uncut Despite Undead UNDERWORLD - Entulho Informativo Unholy Terror Uni Bottrop United Metalheadz vasavadatta Vikhren Vile Existence Vintersphrøst Wacken Open Air Wake, Northwest Arkansas, USA - Website, E-Mail Walpurgis Metal Days Warlord N Watuzi Weak Sister Productions We Rock Winterdream Online Wishmaster Wrecked X-TREMITY :: w w w . X Y V O X . n e t :: 01_zanzebar/UDNT youth rocks Zdeth Zothique Zupanja HardCore Zwerch ReweSuffocation Vital Remains Pirexia Devourment Six Feet Under Hypocrisy DECREPITAPH DETONATION Goryptic Dreams Of Dammnation Veroxity Funeral Rape Obscura Faust Post Mortem Sickmath

My Blog


Tired of hearing if you against racism you're pro islamism , you support this fuckings muslim terrorist.Fuck : i never support muslim terrorist, never support islamism , never support all form of into...
Posted by metalheads against racism on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 04:59:00 PST

New Blog Entry about hate mail and my statement from bulletin

Metal heads agianst hate what in the fuck are you talking about!!!!!!!! you prolly a fuckin islamic nigger lover . listen to this a nigger creates a uionion and only black people are aloud to be in it...
Posted by metalheads against racism on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 04:43:00 PST

Nazi Punks Fuck Off

Punk ain't no religious cult,punk means thinking for yourself.You ain't hardcore 'cause you spike your hair,when a jock still lives inside your head.Nazi punks,Nazi punks,Nazi punks,Fuck off !If you'v...
Posted by metalheads against racism on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 12:35:00 PST