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Who am I?
Welcome to my new MySpace page. Its still kind of in process- I'm never done tweaking- but a word to the wise: this layout DOES NOT PLAY WELL with Intercrap Exploder. Use Firefox and you'll get the true look and effects!
Married, mom of 2, chronically addicted to music in general. Singer, bassistwanna-be, and Jagermeister afficiando.
Look, I'm gonna be honest. If I don't know you, don't even BOTHER askingme to add you if you don't have any info on your page (i.e. this "about me" stuff) or an entry ortwo in your blog. 'Cause I like to read about you, and all the listy stuff on the left side of thepage tells me what you like but it doesn't tell me about YOU. Plus that listy stuff? Hard to read.Mep.
Also- I'm REALLY big on punctuation and spelling. It doesn't have to beperfect, just readable. Netspeak- i.e. "U R" instead of "You are", "pwned!", "LOL!!!!!!11111!!!one",etc.- does not fly with me at all. Don't. Even. BOTHER.
Got it? Get it? Good.
This is a VERY ROUGH, acoustic recording of "Building a Mystery", with my friendChris Allen playing guitar and me singing. We were just woodshedding one weekend and did this forthe hell of it. Funny thing is it turned out better than the other ones we practiced more! Doesn'tthat just figure?
You are a Rocker Girl!
If you don't have musical talent, you've got a talent for picking out great CD's.
Music rules your life - and you've got the best MP3 collection of anyone you know.
Many guys find you intimidating, but a select few think you're the catch of a lifetime.
Start hanging out in more used record stores, and you'll find love with a fellow rocker!
What Kind of Girl Are You? Take This Quiz :-)
Vitals /////////
Age :: Thirty Four
Body :: Five Six, Blue Eyes, Dark Brown Hair with Red Streaks
Status :: Married
Here for :: Friends / Networking
Orientation :: Straight (mostly, LOL)
Hometown :: Brainerd, MN
Occupation :: Geek
Music :: See the sidebar full of bands and the mp3 player, yo. That's just asample...
Books :: Anne McCaffrey - Melanie Rawn - Mercedes Lackey - Alan Dean Foster- Poul Anderson - David Eddings - Neil Gaiman - Douglas Adams - Nora Roberts
Television :: Supernatural - Stargate: SG-1 - Stargate: Atlantis - TheInvisible Man - Firefly
ShelBel's Dot Com :: My Little Corner of the Web
ShelBel'sLiveJournal :: My Ramblings
Flickrstream :: Personal Flickr photostream
The Daily WTF?!:: Sometimes I find the good stuff
:: View All
The Mantra"So laugh and be happy, for tomorrow yet another mind may vomit some amusementfor us all."
The GutterThe layout has some minor issues with IE, Safari, and Opera. Can I recommend Firefox ? Use Intercrap Exploder asa last resort.
Best viewed in Firefox :: Layout by 5ThirtyOne :: Ask First