The Rail profile picture

The Rail

Come party at The Rail's Club Inferno all winter long, Wednesday Nights is now 18+ Night NO COVER!!!

About Me

NOW OPEN: Mikes's Kitchen @ The Rail. Also check out our site at

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My Interests

Kitchen now open till 12:30 am With Subs, Polish Sausage, Jalapeno Polish Sausage, Bratwurst, Hot Dogs, Boneless Chicken Wings, Regular Hot Wings, Mozzarella Stix, Mini Egg Rolls, French Fries, Onion Rings, Mini Tacos, Shrimp, Bread Stix, Garlic Cheese Bread, Pizzas, Pizza by the Slice, Pizza Subs and watch for more items to be added!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Weekley Specials:RAIL: Monday: 2 for 1's - 9-Midnight & FREE POOL $1 Burger Night 5pm till gone Tuesday: $1.75 Domestic Bottles 9-Midnight & FREE POOL Wednesday: Bar Pour, Domestic Taps & Domestic Bottles, 3 for 1's - 9pm-10pm 2 for 1's - 10pm-11pm ***NEW SPECIAL*** Thursday: $10.00 BEER & PIZZA - All the tap beer you can drink & Pizza you can eat 8-11 Friday: $1.50 Kamis on Band Breaks Saturday: $1.50 Kamis on Band BreaksINFERNO: Wednesday: 18+ Night NO COVER!!! And $5 all you can drink bar pour 9-Close Thursday: Bar Pour, Domestic Taps & Domestic Bottles, 3 for 1's - 9pm-10pm 2 for 1's - 10pm-11pm Friday: Ladies Night all Ladies get 2 for 1's - 9-Close


This week: Fri & Sat JAKES OBSESSION (no cover)And SATURDAY NIGHT is Jess Taylor's CFX AFTER PARTY!!!!! Check it out!!!