werty profile picture


Hello Cruel World

About Me

28 years old, losing my hair and my mind. Internet nerd/star. I run an internet marketing company and push "product" down consumers throats day in and day out.

I am extremely laid back, but can be a huge prick and avoid social contact at all costs.

If you actually would like to be a "friend" please read the following:

Unless your band is really good (it probably isn't) or that I know you in REAL LIFE, fuck off.

If you are a MLM (multi level marketing) scumbag, you to can fuck off as well.

My Interests

painting, tea, people watching, not giving a fuck, getting my friends drunk, cooking, travel, the internets, organic non-homogenized milk, swearing, and fine dining.

I'd like to meet:

Socially: local drunkards, nerds & artists

Business: hardcore affiliate marketers, spammers, self employed folk, successful entrepreneurs

Employees: I am looking for either a contract based or full time BAD ASS web designer. Must know CSS tableless designs and logo creation. 2.0 looking stuff would be IDEAL.

Also I am always looking for writers of informative articles for the web. $10-$50+ per article, depending on the specs.

Finders fee available.


The Beatles, Radiohead, Devo, Mum, The Ramones, The Rolling stones, The Talking Heads, R.E.M., Nirvana, The Smiths, DeVotchka, old ISIS, Pixies, Mogwai, The Arcade Fire, Beck, etc.


I love to watch movies... no real favorites.


Canadian Television involves tits and cussing. A+. My favorite US TV is probably the office, and I actually watch HEROES and I feel guilty about it.


animal farm, anything by irvine welsh, kurt vonnegut or the beat authors.


Anyone who can say that they are truly happy. Anyone who quits jobs often, or refuses to have a boss.

My Blog

Quoted in Bloomberg...

Brilliant quote near the bottom of this article...http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000103&am p;sid=aoxKbnwb5qQA&refer=us
Posted by werty on Wed, 03 May 2006 12:08:00 PST

Living In Canada

So the trose moved up to guelph, ontario (100km west of toronto) for a sweet job. Not sure when I am moving for good, but I will be here the next three weeks, then have to head home, pack my shit up a...
Posted by werty on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

back from Canada

So yeah, i went to a nerd convention (SES Toronto) in Canada. It was a blast. Scored some new contacts and clients Got to see Niagra Falls. It ruled Got to ride the subway and trolleys. ...
Posted by werty on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

feb 7th

I am at home sick, my tv is broken, and have only left the house once in the last 60 hours to get my dry cleaning. What a weekend.
Posted by werty on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST