Jimmy-Pop profile picture



About Me

Smokies Snorkeling, Cliff Jumping into Mountain Trout Stream

Bear Attack Carnage!

My Hometown

I like surfing on the long boards and hang gliding in the Outer Banks, snowboarding and white water rafting in the WV mountains, driving fast up and down I95 from FLA to Maine and making pit stops in NYC. As you can see I am about the water ;) Sarcastic satire humor and being a smart ass.
I make a living pan handling at truck stops... I have found that the lady truckers are under cared for and pay real well. Any one know how to Charleston?

Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


And these guys


Polka..nothing else..just Polka, sometimes when I am feeling wild and crazy I'll listen to Hardcore or House Polka


Any movie with Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell or Adam Sandler, Friday, Love and a 45, Boiler Room, Office Space, The Grudge, Saw, Grandmas Boy, Trainspotting, Clerks, 40 year old virgin, Blood Diamond, Saw 1,2,3, The Grudge, Zoolander, Hostel 1 & 2


My Laptop screen.
I couldn't resist putting this one up...mwhahaha!!p


Rich Dad, Poor Dad!


nightclub bathroom cologne sprayer guy
bums that actually tell the truth about why they need my change
Cheers to the Hoff!!
Stoplight Windshield Washer Guy
outspoken disgruntled restaurant customer lady

My Blog

My Long Island NY Trip Funny Pic Collage

Yes, I took all these in the same day of cruising around Levitown, NY in Long Island.  I spot the wierdest shit...let me share... I couldn't help but think to myself in Levitown NY that a store w...
Posted by Jimmy-Pop on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 10:07:00 PST

More Tom's

.." src="http://myspace-429.vo.llnwd.net/00160/92/44/160534429_m .jpg"> ...
Posted by Jimmy-Pop on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 12:19:00 PST

How men screw up Romance.....

Posted by Jimmy-Pop on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 05:36:00 PST

MySpace v Real Life

If myspace were REAL life wouldn't it be crazy?Tila Tequila would know everyone in the whole world.19 year old boys wouldn't own shirts and 19 year old girls wouldn't own pants.If you're a fat girl, p...
Posted by Jimmy-Pop on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 01:50:00 PST


Bumvertising"Bumvertising", or the use of sign holding vagrants to advertise, is a development of PokerFaceBook.com's most recent advertising campaign. Homeless men are able to provide a valuable and ...
Posted by Jimmy-Pop on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 01:20:00 PST