Quantic Chill is an independent music label. Our aim is to promote artists and music through records and events, as well as releasing up and coming artists. Our passion lies in working with vibrant people and passionate music. We've just released Itaitaiko's album and V/A - Quantic Vol. 01 We're working on Ambiens Indages's debut album.
Have a look around, listen to some music and visit our online store .
Respect music's value and the choices of those who make it!
To love both music and the Artists who create, interpret or execute it, is not compatible with the constant assault to its most elemental rights. Loving has different shapes. Of course we're talking about inspirational pirates. And it's this globalisation of this assault to the artists' creativity and to all the other intervenient in recording industry that it urges to stop. It's our responsibility to prevent artists, especially the youngest and less noticeable, from suffering the brutal economical impact that comes from the sales downfall of their records. It’s against the law! Record companies invest money in new artists, and recoup that by having the exclusive right to authorise copies of their recordings. Record companies are the principal investors in artists; a lot of money is spent annually in the creative process that results in new sound recordings. If no one paid for music, record companies would have little incentive to invest in new artists.
We would ask you to stop doing this because you are going to destroy the music business!
Quantic Chill Records Party @ Club Lua 18-NOV-2006