About Me
Decoy is Ian Chaplin, Philip Rex, and a bunch of stuff that you plug in, put in your hands, pluck, stroke, blow, tweak and tap. They have been playing music together for over 15 years. ( yes, they are older than some ) Having come from a background of music which didn't have so many things to plug in and operate, they were both very good on their instruments, or so they say? No, seriously they are still quite good. Most of these musician types think that they have something to offer the world, and these guys are no exception, though I'm still not convinced! They have played with some people who are also quite good, or did I hear that from someone else? They gave up on being so serious, thank god, and started to like things which are fun, ie: dancing in the mud, dust, heat and listening to music that is not quite so serious, but yet, still doesn't have the egomaniacal singer, thinking that everyone is only there to see them. Ughhhh!! ( Yes, I don't like them much either!) The good thing about this electronic thing is most of the time you can't even see who is playing cause your just too high to see that far, or you're not sure if you want to look at them, for fear they might not fit your picture.( Kind of like when you read a book and then see the movie.) Anyhow, this suits them and they seem to be happy, though I don't know them that well. So, there's some music here to listen to and if you like it they told me to thank you and come to the next gig they do, wherever it is, buy their music and sit up like a christian ( Muslim Bhuddist Jew Hindu or anything else that might be of your liking); whatever that means. Oh, and here's some of the parties and festivals they have played at: Rainbow Serpent, Vuuv, Glade, Wonderland, Maitreya, Phonoscope, The Awakening, Earthcore, Earthdance ( Melbourne and Sydney ), Winter and Summer Solstice parties ( Melbourne and Cairns ) Hydra, Ultraworld, Greenant Full Moon, Tribeadelic, Namaste, St. Kilda Festival, Interview, Sunnyside Up, Fireart ( Cairns ), Electronica, Tahiti festival, New Caledonia music en out festival, and other stuff that they can't remember so why should you.Here's some music they have made : 1999 Subversion ( Ep )2000 Leviathon and the Airpump ( Ep )2001 Tempt to Take ( EP )2002 Psyburbia ( comp.) Green Ant2003 The third encounter ( comp ) Green AntRainbow Serpent 2003 ( comp ) Green Ant2004 Rainbow Serpent 2004 ( comp ) Green Ant2005 Double D ( comp ) Dance'n'DustKodama ( comp ) Plusquam2006 Not responding to light ( full length cd ) Dance'n'DustDusty Nation part 3 ( comp ) Dance'n'Dust2007 Archipelago Remixed ( comp ) Digital StructuresPush Button Pony ( full length cd ) Dance'n'DustBush Food ( comp ) Zenon2008 The Imps ( project with Seb and Marcus aka: Minilogue/Son Kite)due for release early 08 on Mule records, and two tracks (collaboration ) on the soon to be released Minilogue double cd on Cocoon records.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4