..it's all heavy. I can't breathe sometimes. I'm light as a feather. Rip my fuckin heart out, but give it back, I might need it again. A walking contradiction. I see beauty in everything, depending on my mood. Just glad to be alive even though it hurts sometimes. I just laugh, cry and shake my head, walk away.Im sorry if I cant read everybodys poetry. I try.FOR A MINUTE THERE I LOST MYSELFI wish I lived in the land of unicorns and little elfs running around granting wishes. With flowers and rainbows and naked women everywhere. Where butterflies landing on my shoulder so I could pet them, and then a bird would smile at me and Id give it a wink back. Id be wearing a crown and a long purple cape like a king, but more like a pimp. but its not like that. I live in a shitty apartment. My car has a broken door so I have to climb in the passeneger side. Im always broke. my friends are criminals with smiles. I pretend to be sane, which is hard. My past is full of broken bottles, burnt spoons, black eyes, and alot of Ramen. Everything is cracked just a little bit. I disguise myself as a regular college student, but if they only knew the shit Ive learned. It goes alot farther than textbooks and backwards baseball caps and backpacks. It's dirty bars with sticky floors, dark places, and street corners. But hey, Im still the king right? Or more like a pimp I mean.
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..Jack Kerouac
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Connecticut Beat Poetry Festival 2008
Presented by The Spoken Word Series
Once Allen Ginsberg drew the line after having read Howl, the world was never quite the same.
And now a new time has come, where silent voices of many generations are ready to be heard once again.
The underground and other factions of artists, poets, musicians, and eccentrics are rallying together in mass exodus to commune with each other in Connecticut.
This will be the largest free poetry festival ever held in Connecticut and the Eastern Seaboard.
Who ever participates in this festival will not only network, meet publishers, see old friends and meet new ones, but will also directly contribute to making history.
This will be the Woodstock of poetry festivals.
The underlying intent, in addition to celebrating Beat poets and authors, is to take poets of minor note, regional fame with unknowns and give them strong exposure, just as was the case for our antecedents at 6 Gallery.
To learn more visit the following link: http://www. myspace. com/beatpoetryfestival
Drop By Drop (Short version)