poetry, film, art- is this general enough for you?
A smart literary woman, a well-read woman, I also have a kryptonite weakness for redheads.
The new Raggaeton! Wings, Blondie, The Smiths, Morrissey, Poi Dog Pondering, Bare Naked Ladies, Sarah MacLachlan, Michael Penn, David Bowie, Ryan Adams, System of a Down, Tori Amos, anything by the HUSH Label and about 130 obscure bands that hardly anybody knows but I don't want to list them because I don't want to be THAT guy. I still listen to Pink Floyd's "The Wall" periodically. BTW- Amoeba Music rocks!
I have very eclectic tastes in this field which change constantly....
Rome, Extras, Heroes, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, 30 Rock, Deadwood, Big Love, The Sopranos, Battlestar Galactica, Rescue me, Over There, Nip/Tuck, The Wire, CSI, My Name is Earl, The Daily Show, Biography Channel, The IFC Channel, The Sundance Channel, SiTV and yes I do love to watch TV and I never believe those people who claim to hate television and that claim that they don't even own one. I think they are lying and I think they are pretentious, artsy, "scene", and lame.
Way too many to name but I would have to say "100 Years of Solitude" is probably my favorite. Oh, and "Lolita".Don't forget my literary endeavors:
The Puerto Rican artist Luis German CajigaAlso: Pedro Albizu Campos, Lolita Lebron, Che Guevarra, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Dalai Lama, and my dad.