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I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a kind of paranoiac in reverse.
I suspect people of plotting to make me happy.


Please come visit my blog, Spirit of a West Virginia Soul . I had hoped to have made a bit of design progress with it by now ~ add some pictures and so forth that is so easy to do with myspace pages ~ but I haven't gotten a round tuit yet! So until I can pick up one of those round tuits somewhere, I guess I'll just keep scribblin' sumthin' down every now and then anyway. wvspirit.wv-soul.com .

Do yourself a favor...decide to look at the world through the eyes of a joyful child...be present in the moment and see all the life, the beauty, the joy, the love. Open your heart, be grateful, feel the joy, let it wash over you like a spring rain. Marvel as opportunities for more beautiful moments multiply in proportion to your joy and gratitude! Give it away...there's more! ~Willa

The pessimist complains about the wind;
the optimist expects it to change;
the realist adjusts the sails.
~William Arthur Ward
The dreamer dreams of sails to adjust!
~Willa Jean Shaffer, Dreamer

THOSE HAUNTING VOCALS and the magical fingers dancing across the piano keys playing in the background belong to Bloomington, Indiana's KRISTA DETOR performing a brand new song, "GO AHEAD AND WAIT" from her new COVER THEIR EYES CD. Another track from the new album ~ "DINNER WITH CHANTEL" ~ is on my profile player to the left. If you still haven't discovered her, what in the world are you waiting for?! Listening will reveal the truth ~ that Krista is an incredibly creative, prolific songwriter whose voice, lyrics, melodies, and piano playing blend themselves effortlessly into a spellbinding story, a masterpiece painting, an irresistible work of stunning beauty. There is, quite simply, no one like her. Folks, just go listen and judge for yourself. On down the page, you'll find two videos of Krista performing "Gaslight" and "Dancing in a Minefield" for a TV program, two shining examples of her work on her second album, MUDSHOW.

KRISTA DETOR 's new album ~ COVER THEIR EYES ~ has just been released in Europe, and will debut in the United States by next spring. Since MUDSHOW is a work of pure brilliance and beauty, you'd think she could never come up with another masterpiece like that one, right? Right...it won't be like Mudshow! But you can bet your sweet a** it is a masterpiece! Krista is performing songs from the new album during her current concerts, and she's bringing the house down! Already the rave reviews are coming in from the European release! Visit Krista's page ( myspace.com/kristadetor ) for the latest news and her tour schedule, and you can sample all tracks of the Mudshow CD at CDBaby.com ).

KATHY MATTEA is another favorite of mine. I play her music on this page pretty often, too. Kathy never fails to lift my spirits--often I feel as if she actually has the ability to sing the voice of God. Yeah, I am serious! Go visit her on myspace ( myspace.com/kathymattea ) or on her beautifully updated website at ( mattea.com ).

I'm providing a link to the music video of READY FOR THE STORM with Kathy Mattea and Dougie MacLean, the BBC version on YouTube. The very fine gentleman who posted the video for all of us to enjoy wisely does not permit embedding, so you'll need to click on the link to be redirected to the site to watch and listen to this outstanding song.
If you've never seen Kathy Mattea in concert, I would highly recommend that you do so whenever you have a chance.
KATHY MATTEA with Dougie MacLean

I know you believe that you understood what you think
I said, but I am not sure you realize that what
you heard is not what I meant.

"God forbid that I should go to any heaven
where there are no horses."
Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham

CHRONOLOGY (and my driver's license) demonstrate that I'm holding senior citizen status, but my spirit sure doesn't accept that. I think I must've lost 10 or 15 years somewhere along the way--my nature seems to be of the opinion that it has plenty of energy and many more years ahead to play and enjoy the boundless joys life has to offer! AND I'm such a KID!!

My kind of loyalty was loyalty to one's country,
not to its institutions or its officeholders.
~Mark Twain, author and humorist (1835-1910)

My Interests

"To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent ~ that is to triumph over old age."
~ Thomas B. Aldrich

"Let a joy keep you. Reach out your hands and take it when it runs by." ~Carl Sandburg

"... joy and sorrow are inseparable. . . together they come and when one sits alone with you . . . remember that the other is asleep upon your bed." ~Kahlil Gibran

In my mind's eye, this glorious horse and I are heading...

...down this country road toward home after our morning run. So be it!

Good friends and family, spiritual nourishment, acoustic music, concerts, gratitude, sailing, live music, fun, more music, mountains, books, kids, water, nature, did I mention music, exercise, photography, horses, writing, exuberance, great minds, funny people, youthful folks of all ages, and of course, music!

"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." ~ Mark Twain

Don't underestimate me, bud!

Moonglow on Chesapeake Bay

I'd like to meet:

YOU! Where've you been?

How I would love to have met my grandparents, and their parents, and theirs...

Would love to have known my uncle Paul Emerson Shaffer, pictured, who died at 19, many years before I came along.

And wouldn't it just be wonderful to meet larger-than-life folks we've admired or have been inspired and influenced by, such as Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Benjamin Franklin, Martin Luther King, Jr., John and Robert F. Kennedy, Mark Twain, Thoreau, Tolstoy ... and have a chance to meet all the intelligent, wise, lovely, courageous, good people past and present, famous or your next-door neighbor's aunt Betty!

I would like to meet, talk with, and gaze into the eyes of every child. I would like to meet every brilliant songwriter and musician whose mind bends mine.

I hope to meet as many folks as I can from whom I can learn more about the human condition and in so knowing, I might be a better person.

Those I long most to meet again in another realm: my amazing Mom, who died when I was just 18, but she left me with a lifetime's worth of inspiration and awe; my brother, who gave us the length of years we could reasonably expect, but it was not enough, it could never be enough. I hope to be reunited, too, with my grandson's mama, Kim, who was taken before her time, at the tender age of 25.

And, please God, if there is a reunion for me in heaven, let it include the one who claimed me as his life partner, even though I did not make it easy for him, who drew out the best woman in me, gently dismantled my "brick wall," gave me unconditional love, and changed me forever: Steve. God bless him.


“Praise loudly, blame softly."
~ Catherine the Great


“In the depths of winter, I finally
learned that deep within me there lay
an invincible summer."
~ Albert Camus

KRISTA DETOR with David Weber: Gaslight (Mudshow)

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KRISTA DETOR with David Weber: Dancing In A Minefield (Mudshow)

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Check out great music at Acoustic Pie!!

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
~Arnold “Red” Auerbach

Music is the vernacular of the human soul.
~Geoffrey Latham

I think I should have no other mortal wants, if I could always have plenty of music. It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain. Life seems to go on without effort, when I am filled with music.
~George Eliot

I cannot imagine a life without music. I love listening ALL the time, and have since my earliest memory. These days, I could never get too much Kathy Mattea or Krista Detor , and I'm still discovering artists I had somehow missed before, such as the wonderful Carrie Newcomer and Patty Griffin .

One of the best things about MySpace is the discovery of independent acoustic vocalists, musicians, songwriters, and the people who love them! My spirit is continually nourished through this music, connecting with others who share this passion, and experiencing concerts, especially those in small venues catering to people who are truly there for the music. So much talent, so many good people!

Kathy Mattea

Krista Detor

Carrie Newcomer


To Kill A Mockingbird, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Fried Green Tomatoes, GWTW, Dead Poets Society, Birdcage, Good Will Hunting, Postcards from the Edge (great book, too, by Carrie Fisher), SILKWOOD, anything with the incredible Meryl Streep, Katharine Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn, Cary Grant, Kurt Russell, Cher, Goldie Hawn, Robin Williams, great actors of all time.


WVU Mountaineer football!


I may have emerged from the womb with a book in my hands (and a prehistoric stereo headset on)! Have always been a voracious reader and lover of books. Have read tons of fiction, covered all of Willa Cather's works as a child, wanted to BE her! Currently engaged with biographies: have read several on JFK and Robert Kennedy (can't wait to see the movie Bobby!), recently read a fabulous book on Neil Armstrong. Enjoy tomes on spirituality, philosophy, the human condition, and good fiction.


My lifetime hero is my beloved big brother Paul. In childhood, his love was unconditional, he made me feel that I mattered in the world, he would never let me down. In adulthood, even in discovering that he was human and thus not entirely perfect ;~), he was always the point of reference against which other men were measured, the guiding light, the opinion that most mattered, the one I considered the smartest human alive, the one who always listened thoughtfully and communicated gently, the one I could count on, the one for whom I never lost respect, the big brother whose life had blossomed and flourished as husband to a beautiful lady inside and out, who adored him, and children who grew up knowing, just as I had, that he was the one they could always turn to, whose love and respect would always be theirs to cherish.
My everyday heroes are folks who live each day with passion, integrity, and an open heart. I'm encountering such people more and more often these days, thus realizing they've been around all along. What a beautiful and inspiring thing for which to be thankful!



My Blog


Hi All,I've just posted a new blog on the brand new ACOUSTIC BY THE LAKE page about a splendid song, especially for those who have an abiding love for music, along with the its lyrics (hint: ...."Glor...
Posted by Willa on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 09:06:00 PST

Funny, fabulous Google mail video

This is great....the Google folks solicited clips for this video from their users, and the end result is a ton of fun to watch!  Start off your Labor Day weekend with this!  ...
Posted by Willa on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 02:36:00 PST


The following URL will take you to the best interview piece for Kathy that I've ever had the pleasure of reading. It is profound and intimate, getting to the heart of Kathy like no other I've seen. It...
Posted by Willa on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 09:08:00 PST

Amazing Grace in Cherokee

Beautiful music and an inspirational video.  ~Willa ...
Posted by Willa on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 05:33:00 PST

KRISTA DETOR makes Acoustic Pie Radio Top 20 AGAIN!

For the second month in a row, KRISTA DETOR ranks among the top 20 songs voted by listeners of Acoustic Pie Radio ~ this time Krista gets the 2 slot with "Aurora Means Dawn" from the Wilderness Plots ...
Posted by Willa on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 09:56:00 PST


This is a reposting of Ruby Jane Smith's blog and announcement....just wanted to help spread the word, and give those who haven't yet had the privilege of hearing this sensational young lady another n...
Posted by Willa on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 10:14:00 PST

RUBY JANE SMITH ~ Huge talent in a tiny package

If you watched the CMA Country Music Festival on ABC on the evenng of July 23rd, you couldn't have helped but notice this incredible little girl ~ a virtuoso fiddler (and a dozen other instrument...
Posted by Willa on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 11:46:00 PST


Oh, man, reading the top 20 list of most popular plays on Acoustic Pie Radio this month made me feel like at least a 100 million bucks!!!  Let's hear it for the girl!!  Let's ...
Posted by Willa on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 02:41:00 PST

Magical Music, Jubilant June!

I've had an absolutely fabulous spring! I caught a phenomenal KATHY MATTEA concert in April at the Barns of Wolf Trap in Vienna, Virginia! I swear, that magnificent lady just continues to get even bet...
Posted by Willa on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 11:50:00 PST


15:  A CATHARSIS(just reflections, not an attempt at poetry)   1515 was my last carefree year.I clung to it jealously,living it fully,protecting it evenwithout knowing that15 would be my la...
Posted by Willa on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 05:21:00 PST