My general interests include spreading disease and filth during my one-woman crusade of world domination. I'm an avid supporter of perversions of all kinds.
A gynecologist with a strong stomach.
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I enjoy the sound of nails on a chalk board, a death rattle, the crunch of bones snapping, and the sound that a school bus, filled with babys, makes as it rushes off a cliff. The simple pleasures... good times.
Of course when it comes to my favorite movies I adhore anything starring ME, or which has loads of sex and violence!!! The more independant, creative, guerilla and original the project the more I'm drawn to it. I have NO desire to do mainstream anything!!! I proudly support truly independant cinema!
I like watching demolition derbies, Midget Wrestling, and America's Most Wanted (just to keep up with friends and Family).
I enjoy reading Outlaw Biker, Guns and Amo Monthly, High Times, Mothers for NAMBLA Monthly, The Christian Science Monitor and other forms of pornography.
Eva Braun, Squeaky Fromme, Aileen Wuornos, Amelia Marcos, and Elizabeth Taylor-Hilton-Wilding-Todd-Fisher-Burton-Burton-Warner-Forte nsky.