Design • Photography • Illustration • Music • Cross Our Paws Dog Rescue • Travel • Running • French Brie • Heated arguments about politics • 20th Century History • Roadtrips To Anywhere • The Smell of Westcoast Forest in Fall • Mid Century Home Furnishings • World Domination •
Everyone has a gripping stranger in their lives, a stranger who unwittingly possesses a bizarre hold over you. Maybe it's the kid in cut-offs who mows your lawn or the woman wearing white shoulders who stamps your book at the library - a stranger who, if you were to come home and find a message from them on your answering machine saying, "Drop everything. I love you. Come away with me now to Florida," you'd follow them. ~Douglas Coupland~
yeah i like music.
children of men, me, you and everyone we know. the sweetest thing, wicker park, eternal sunshine, high fidelity, guys&dolls, pretty in pink, office space, the hunger, ferris beuller's day off, it's a wonderful life, best in show, empire records, dirty dancing, far away so close/wings of desire, dead poet's society, the big lebowski, 28 days later...and so on and so on.
LOST • DIRT • Jericho
the glass castle, swing low (a life), Franny & Zooey, a million little pieces. brave new world, animal farm, 1984, high fidelity(and all things nick hornby),the other boleyn girl, pattern recognition, heartbreaking work of staggering genius, the prince, junky, women, stupid white men, fast food nation, catcher in the rye, celibate season, microserfs, sin city, desolation angels, all things taschen, no logo, chomsky, burroughs, kerouac, kafka, ginsberg, bukowski...etc etc etc....
rest in peace, my beautiful friend. forever in my heart. xo. you are the reason for all that I do, I will miss you always. .. ..