I have hosted,performed,and featured at poetry open mics and events in DFW for over a decade. I try to write,perform,host,and feature as much as I can, both alone and with my groups. I've been published in quite a few poetry magazines,local and national,online and in print,as well as a cool anthology series. I've also published quite a few chapbooks and sold hundreds. IN 2006 I was one of the founders of DFWOPENMICS, an oragization dedicated to promoting the open format poetry, music and variety open mic in DFW.
I have been a Vegitarian for a long while. I workout a LOT. During my mariage I went to hell, so now I spend hours upon hours lifting, I love it, almost a certified personal trainer,some work left to do.
I do not believe AT ALL, in the popular religion of Capitalism. Its very basiic premis leads to selfishness, greed and injustice. There are many basic socal tenents in our culture that must be constantly challenged and re-thought,(that isn't happening enough) We should ALL be in this time, concerning ourselves with the very nature of the self, and how it interacts within the cultural structure, seriosly questioning our behaviors and approaches toward one another as individuals and societies. Hopefully there are new paradigms being slowly born out there somewhere, even now.
I was a very devout Theravada Buddhist for several years, then felt strayed from the path for some time, but sometimes, when I'm lucky, I see a new face of Dharma that hides in every facet of the world.
I also enjoy: Insanely honest Blogging,Comic Books, mythology,the study of myth,alternative history, ancient history, alternative spirituality, aliens, conspiracy theory writings, and various eccentric reading, Sci-Fi,Buffy/Whedon stuff, 80's underground music,social revolution, and dreaming up ways to help bring down the Corpocracy ...someday.
It's March 08... What am I doing now? You know, I usually update this spot every 3 or 4 months or so with something clever about what I am generally doing, feling, creativly, socially, financially....goals and such... but at the moment..I have no freaking idea what the hell I am doing....so there... I WRITE a lot....still lift some weights... you know....
I want to meet girls
with tongues like lightning and
voices like brushed velvet,
who can be counted on like lit matches
to burn fast and disappear,but be beautiful,
honest and true
in the burning.
Gentlemen with top hats
but not really,only that they seem as such
when picturing them
mincing words
in the eye of the mind.
POETS with razorblade fingertips,
that growl like bears
wave like flags
and spit demon possessed words.
I want to meet weasels that walk upright
and collect paychecks
while wearing the latest fashions
I want to meet the last man on Earth
when the time comes
sullen and walking desolated streets
fiddling with a coin in his pocket.
I want to meet humans,new humans
half animal
half plant,kind of greenish
with wild vines intertwined
in the head,that serve to both
confound and illuminate.
I want to meet Sting,
and people made of hourglass sand.
I want to meet myself,finally
in the dirty water of a mud puddle
with half my head blown away
a terrible casualty of a war
waged completely in my mind.
Actually I'm pretty open minded and not that dogmatic about music. What I tend have feelings toward is the music of my youth..Bauhaus,Peter Murphy,The Cure,Depech Mode,Yaz,The Ramones,Violent Femms,Joy Division, Nine Inch Nails, Poe (lots more I can't remember..) I went through a Beatles phase many years ago. NOT a fan of "Rap" of ANY sort.
Barfly, Casablanca, X-men, Spiderman, Planet of the Apes, Star Wars, Matrix, Fight Club, Natural Born Killers, Monty Pythons Meaning of Life, Sin City, Blazing Saddles, Highlander, Fairenhight 911, Clockwork Orange, Enter The Dragon, Its A Wonderful Life, Westside Story, Suburbia, Logan's Run, The Road Warrior, Mary Poppins.
The Daily Show,The Cobert Report,Buffy/Angel,Yu-Gi-Oh, new Battlestar Galactica,Stargate,Smallville,Dr.Who, Southpark,mostly Sci-Fi or Comedy Central.HERO's in my NEW favorite show,the kids and I watch it togetehr every weekend!
Charles Bukowski, Ken Wilber, Joseph Campbel, Neitzchie, Bertrand Russel, David Icke,Tich Nat Hahn, D.T. Suzuki, Ernest Hemingway, Robert Persig, Bertold Brect, Thomas Mann, Nabkov, John Fante, Celine, Umberto Echo, Sinclair Lewis, Charles Dickens, William Carlos Williams, Homer, Jim Marrs, Lawrence Gardner, Narada Mahathera, Kalle Lasn,
Joseph Campbell,Ken Wilber,Gotama Buddha,Charles Bukowski,Jon Stewart