in·ter·est n. 1. A state of curiosity or concern about or attention to something: Being in reality, that ever-existing moment, which you observe how your environment has changed, but it's still just you watching it all flow by. Reality is eternal present, the seeing of the Supreme Personality of Godhead everywhere. Real Heroism is to tolerate your natural urge for sense gratification, in light of your superior absorption in giving pleasure to Krishna and His devotees.
I'd like to meet:
Anyone with a brain and a heart. The only good intelligence is that which distinguishes what's real from what's fake. And if you're fake with yourself, you ain't playing it smart. So be good to others, by being good to yourself, and get a grip on who you REALLY are, not just your show, but deep down inside stop trying to hide, that you know there's this love, that keeps trying to say "I'm right here!" and warns "No this isn't quite right..I'm what you really need." when you're going the wrong way. Quiet your own voice, and listen to your heart say "You already have it, that love you so need, it's right here inside you, with the One who won't leave, your dearmost protector, friend and expert lover, Sri Krishna, the most gorgeous Supreme ever-well-wisher."
If the God of Love is rumbling in your chest, then let Him out by singing His names, pastimes, glories and your journey to Him. To the degree that happens is to the degree that music is captivating to hear.
ISKCON Pune Yatra 2007
ISKCON Hare Krishna Festival at Pune. India. Featuring: HH Radhanath Swami, Jananivasa Prabhu, Gaura Vani Prabhu and others.
The Simple Temple: Chowpatty
This documentary paints an intimate portrait of daily life in a community founded on the sacred principles of love and devotional service taught by Srila Prabhupada. This hour-long documentary masterfully crafts rich color and exotic imagery into a story of two seekers who find their common truth within this timeless spiritual culture.
Why do we watch movies? For Rasa = relationships. To experience the perfection of relationships is the natural activity of everyone. And to see that before your eyes is the most natural wonderful experience. This is ultimate reality, the pastimes of Radha Govinda in the Spiritual sky. Any of the flickering reflections we become attracted to here are simply a slight glare of that original luster.Here's a few examples of what I'm talkin' about:
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To have a constant vision of the ever-fresh activities of Krsna is called Samadhi, or total absorption in rememberance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Gopinatha. That's why television is so addictive, it's a pathetic replacement for that fundamental need, to relish at every moment the increasing beauty and dynamism of Krishna's pastimes.
Ahhh... booooks... love them.. reading currently Krishna Sangati.. Bhagavad-Gita.. Transcendental Personalism... Human Devolution... Sri Isopanisad... Here Comes the Sun.. give me more time to read... that's all I ask.. and to paint and learn and do so many other things.. ok, so I ask a lot... heh
Srila Prabhupada, Krishna, Arjuna, My parents, Lord Nityananda, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Radhanath Swami, Sacinandan Swami, Varshana Swami, too many to list... all the simple humble devotees serving the Lord are my heroes. I'm a fool, confirmed time and again, but they're my only hope, so please pray that I can somehow follow in their footsteps and Gain the Lords favor.