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Je respire en air pour exhaler des chansons

About Me


Well... first of all

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is that I am a trained Coloratura Soprano who flirts with all different musical genres.. I play the piano, couple woodwinds and few brass...I am teaching myself the acoustic guitar. I am currently writing a musical and some unrelated songs. My loves and interests are diverse and very ecletic. I do not have a favourite movie, food, song, musical artist, painting, style. Love my family, love my friends, and love life! The rest is underwraps..
"Out of my own great woe, I make my little songs"
Heinrich Heine
"A master needs quiet. Calm and quiet are his most imperative needs. Isolation and complete loneliness are my only consolation, and my salvation."
Richard Wagner

My Interests

listening to music, making music, writing music, singing, playing the keys, reading, painting, drawing, writing poetry and short stories, design, architecture, photography, acting, LOVE dancing, laughing, smiling, theatre, cooking..

I'd like to meet:

Artists, Musicians, Writers, Designers, Thinkers..


Momma found me on the piano playing my brother's pieces at 4 and placed me in lessons promptly.. My teacher would play my pieces for the next week and I wouldn't practise all week and come back with it perfect... (she didn't like that at all...) Needless to say.. I have improved my sight reading but I will always learn quicker with my ear...
I enjoy playing Chopin, Bach, Sibelius, Liszt and Rachmaninoff the most.. you can find me singing a vast amount of coloratura repetoire (best ab work out!!) I always have music on and am singing along to.......
Gonzales, Lhasa, Chic Gamine, Madrigaia, Feist, Sleepthief, Gap Band, Soul4Real, Mint Condition, Delerium, Sting, Sarah Brightman, Sissy, Bjork, Zap Mama, Michael Jackson, Portishead, Matthew Herbert, Thom Yorke, Radiohead, Sade, JT, Tori Amos, Frou Frou, Imogen Heap, Kathleen Battle, Amy Winehouse, Joan Sutherland, Keane, Depeche Mode, Hooverphonic, Morcheeba, Natalie Walker, K-OS, Ne-Yo, David Gray, Thievery Corporation, Tricky, Diddy, Tosca, Dido, Enigma, Alicia Keys, Múm, Gotan Project, Azam Ali, Edith Piaf, Rinôçérôse, Stevie Wonder, John Legend, Etta James, The Philosopher Kings, Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan, Mariah Carey, Erykah Badu, .... I could go on 4ever~


Eve and the Firehorse, Little Fish, Vanilla Sky, Great Expectations, Casablanca, Sunshine, Crash, Underworld, Ginger and Cinnamon, Amelie, Wicker Park, The Butterfly Effect, Onegin, Agata and the Storm, Yes, V for Vendetta, Napoleon Dynamite, Dracula, The Usual Suspects, The Constant Gardener, The Professional, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Closer, Oscar and Lucinda, Elephant Shoes, The White Countess, Sex and Lucia, Little Miss Sunshine, Mindhunters, Children of Men, Garden State, James Bond films. Anything with Ralph Fiennes/Clive Owen..... foreign films...


I don't have too much time for T.V. but when I do.. Dexter, Big Love, HUFF, Regenisis, Brotherhood, Sopranos....and yes... Planet Earth.. National Geographic.. oh and I find Video on Trial HILARIOUS!


Novels by.....Ayn Rand, Mario Puzo, Margaret Atwood, Wally Lamb, Richard Morgan, John Steinbeck, Maya Angelou, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, James Clavell, Edward P. Jones, Mark Haddon, etc......
if you love reading.. suggest something to me.. I am a sucker for herions..


"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." -Anais Nin-

My Blog


I found this and it just made me chuckle.. a little over the top in some areas but all in good fun!! loved it!!  kisses to the makers!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iE5Zytj45fI  ...
Posted by Jnine on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 01:14:00 PST


I was told to check out this link.. and whether you are an American or Canadian or European, I think you will get something out of this! Check it out.. Might just make your mind sizzle..   http:...
Posted by Jnine on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 09:26:00 PST


I just finished watching this movie called "Eve & the Firehorse" and I liked it.. It made me smile with it's different perspectives.. Beautifully captures the frank honesty of ...
Posted by Jnine on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 11:26:00 PST

O......... damn...............

HMMMMM....I want to go dancing!!!!   must go dancing this weekend.. Must dance tonight... Relieve the stress!!!!!! Too much work!!! Only one more year of 20's living!!! HA!!!!!!! ...
Posted by Jnine on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 06:26:00 PST

where am I living???

First of all I would just like to say that I am just trying to illustrate a point here.. The below is not debating what is beautiful.. There are a million versions of beautiful because it is subjectiv...
Posted by Jnine on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:08:00 PST

Restless is my mind, and furious is my soul

"When I find myself in this state of inner unrest, no picture, no piece of plastic art has any effect on me....I remain indifferent to all these things; in truth, I am dead to everything that is outsi...
Posted by Jnine on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 08:43:00 PST