sugarlicks profile picture


global soulfood from the pacific

About Me

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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

YO SUGARLICKS PEOPLE WORLDWIDE ... WORDS FIRST In 1999 Saama Productions celebrated Auckland citys cultural diversity with a performance feast Universal Sol. From that vision of bass, soul and diversity ultimately grew the club Khuja Lounge. And one day sitting around a table basking in khuja sunset fire SUGARLICKS was conceived as a forum to showcase khujas melting pot of music, expression and culture. Sugarlicks grew to become one of the most dynamic spectacles in New Zealand, showcasing spoken word, freeform hip hop, pacifikan drumming, songwriting & dance. From the overwhelming response to the deep vibe of this night we decided to develop a label so the rest of the world could hear what we already know - that the music is unique and worldclass - Pacific Soul. SUGARLICKS will take this soul free flowing across the globe so the World can see what music sounds like when made in paradise. Sugarlicks acts as a hothouse for creative musical minds, inspiring artists and recording them at the valve-sound sugarlicks studio, to create the sweet new sound of Pacific Soul.thanks to the SUBMARINER for the dope track "Generation to Generation" for the vid above. yeaugh!!more soon..... next video is launch party night for sugarlicks 5 years ago, brother J's fashion sho Styles upon Styles ..... damn !"" .. .. width="425" height="350" ..

My Interests


Member Since: 7/9/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Sugarlicks is a hothouse of global soul music represented from the pacific. We join a melting pot of culture (Maori, Pakeha, Samoan, Lebanese, African, Carribean, Fijian, Palestinian, Asian ... :) and create beats and SOUL music. always with a conscious message, and always fresh & pushing the boundary. tune into the future.... if you are afraid to open ears, hearts & minds, maybe choose another page. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX

Energy State (CD)

The debut album from Auckland soul/funk collective one million dollars that went on to world wide critical acclaim.

CD $22.95 NZD + P and P
Download MP3 Format $19.95 NZD

Be Bop A Nui (CD)

Brother J and Fat Freddy's Drop production guru Mu team up to deliver some serious South Pacific soul.

CD $22.95 NZD + P and P
Download MP3 Format $19.95 NZD

Solephonic EP (12 Inch Vinyl)

Fresh as fresh can be. The latest sounds from DJ/Producer Manuel Bundy. This 12" release on the Sugarlicks label features four new tracks and is a teaser from Solephonic's forthcoming full length release.

12 Inch $23.95 NZD + P and P
MP3 Download (4 Tracks Only) $7.95 NZD

Jahlicious - Delayed Behavious (12 Inch Vinyl)

A taster for her debut album this six-tracker delves deep into the heart of roots reggae and dub-wise rhythms.On the remix tip we have The Beatlicks adding a funk driven 4/4 to the already impeccable formula.

12 Inch $23.95 NZD + P and P

2017 Pacific Ultrasound (CD)

You are about to purchase one of the last ever compact discs produced , only a few months before hand held digital devices revolutionised global music, putting the artist in full control as the maker, disseminator and controller of their art...word, sound, power, live and direct.

CD $28.95 NZD + P and P

Influences: conscious beings, word sound power, rhythm addicts, the universe inside ... all nations all movements forward ... goodbye to the cowardly gatekeepers, your time is up. inshallah.
Sounds Like:
Record Label: sugarlicks records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

STOP! music IS the new ecenomy

The web is saturated with articles and blogs about the death of the music industry & what Madonna, Radiohead and the like in collusion with web 2.0 digital models and P2P sites are doing to the indust...
Posted by sugarlicks on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 02:05:00 PST

sugar crew

Posted by sugarlicks on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 10:50:00 PST