What is Oxjam?
Oxjam is a music festival with a difference. Across the UK, people like you put on Oxjam music events to raise money for Oxfam. Oxjam kicks off on the 1st of April (no joke) this year and continues for the whole rocking month. So whatever music you’re into, from folk to funk, rock to rave - get involved now.
To all bands who want to be involved:
The best way to be a part of Oxjam is to create your own Oxjam event! You could organise a gig, make a night you already have an Oxjam night or play for your gran. AAll you need is a passion for music and ending poverty.
You love music. So do we. We’re looking for pro-active volunteer Music Event Organisers for Oxjam Music Festival in APRIL 2008.
You’ll gain valuable experience in events and music. Brilliant for the CV. Having a cracking good time – a bonus.
Money raised goes to Oxfam. From classical to club night, folk, funk and punk - it all adds up. Whether you sing, scratch or strum, you’ll be joining one huge, UK-wide, Oxjam festival - raising hundreds of thousands of pounds to fight poverty.
You don’t need a big venue - the beauty of Oxjam is that hundreds of small events make one huge party. And you make it happen.
Register at www.oxfam.org.uk/oxjam and we’ll be in touch.
Even if you don’t want to organise your own event, there will be loads of ways to get involved in Oxjam in 2008, so visit
the Oxjam website
[email protected]
MyGen Profile Generator
The organisers of Oxjam events are fundraising in aid of Oxfam but do not represent Oxfam. Oxfam GB is a registered charity (No 202918) and a member of Oxfam International. Oxfam works with others to find lasting solutions to poverty and suffering.
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The Oxfam Shop Window Disco raised not only a lot of money but a lot of eyebrows as Oxjam volunteers danced for 3 hours in the window of the Oxfam shop in central Birmingham, with guest appearances from local youths and the shop manager!