Jay-Sin profile picture


Yer God,and its followers make me sick.Stupid Cunts.

About Me

I miss my girl. Im imagining trying to live without her,and I cant.I see blank.I see black. I wont forget who is an accomplice,never. I wont forget my kid ever. I will die if needed for my kid. Wouldnt be the first time.

My Interests

I'll see you again Music,and Horror/Mob/Comedy films-collectibles and memorabilia. Silk-screening,Drawing,Art,Tattoo art,Religious art and statues (Catholic). The paranormal,unexplained,conspiracy theories. Religious beliefs and practices,Cannibalism,VooDoo. WW II History/Planes. Weaponry-primitive to Cold-War. Medical procedures. Pin-up girls,Calendar girls. Converse shoes. Loud fucking music.... Cold beer and some smokes.

I'd like to meet:

I will see the people. I know the descriptions. It may take me months.....Or years. I dont care. You took my kid from me. And turned her into a adultress. I will find you. No matter how long it takes. Yer gods are not gods anyore. Just men......dead in life.


G.B.H. Discharge Motorhead The Damned Chaos U.k. Disorder Vice Squad English Dogs Broken Bones Varukers Abrassive Wheels Cockney Rejects Sham69 Business Adicts The Cramps Germs Drunk Injuns Social Distortion Johnny Thunders Dead Boys The Tall Boys TSOL Circle Jerks Black Flag X Corrosion of Conformity(old) Aggression Agent Orange Fear 45 Grave Christian Death(rozz) Adolescents Slaughter & the Dogs U.K. Subs Reverend Horton Heat Meteors Dead Bolt Iggy & the Stooges Nunns the Exploited the Stitches Spent Idols U.S. Bombs Nekromantix the Clash Extreme Noise Terror Bauhaus The Faction D.O.A. Flogging Molly Siouxsie & the Banshees Alien Sex Fiend Suicidal Tendencies Raw Power Dischange Meanwhile D.I. Reagan Youth Riot Squad Misfits(Glenn) SAMHAIN Corrupted Ideals Violent Outrage Circle 1 Anti Pasti Holokaust Flesheaters ETC...


I am a -Return of the Living Dead fanatic..Im a freak about that film.... .. ..


The Munsters,Twilight Zone,Ghosthunters,Mythbusters,The Man show,Comedy Central,History Channel,Discovery Channel


The Unexplained,Christine,The Shinning,Edgar Allen poe


William Wallace,Bela Lugosi,Clive Barker,Chuck Buscuits,D.J. Bonebreak from X,Johnny Thunders,Lux Interior,Harvey Keitel,John Dillinger,Al Capone,And a shitload of others.

My Blog

Not sure.

I will live the rest of my life to destroy those involved.Weather its god,or squatters,or anyone.I will stay alive to destroy them.It doesnt matter what-I got something to hate-instead of myself drink...
Posted by Jay-Sin on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 03:25:00 PST

Chelsea .......

I recieved a call from the Deputy whos handling the case-that the cell-phone my daughter used to call me on Friday was traced successfully.He also has addresses of where she was staying,and the names ...
Posted by Jay-Sin on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 01:59:00 PST

My week of hell.

As most know my daughter dissapeared on Sun.3/02/08.Its been a week to the day since I last saw her.Ive went from scared,to worried,to pist off,to suicidal,to vengeful,to sad,and even psychotic.This w...
Posted by Jay-Sin on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 11:54:00 PST

A few pix from the old pig sty....Pt.1

Heres a few photos of what my previous roomate considered o.k. living conditions for everyone in the apartment.The bathroom.......Its obvious which side of the sink was hers,and which side was mine......
Posted by Jay-Sin on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 09:09:00 PST

Boards from the bored.........

I love music,I love to draw,and I miss skateboarding(I could try to skate again,but since I was hit by a car 5 years ago-my knee is sometimes fukked).In 2002(after gettin hit by a car and being put on...
Posted by Jay-Sin on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 08:43:00 PST

And the battle continues.................................

Ive decided that this weekend will be the last weekend my daughter Chelsea stays at this apartment.My roommate Chris is getting out of control with her powertrips,and filthyness.I had set up certain r...
Posted by Jay-Sin on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 05:29:00 PST


Thanx to my Uncle Gary for these....R.I.P....
Posted by Jay-Sin on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 07:56:00 PST