Sasquatch profile picture


About Me

Well I am sure that you have heard of me, Sasquatch. And let me tell you none believers that I am in fact quite real. People have alot of different names for me; Big Foot, Yeti, Windigo, Yowie, Mo Mo, ect... Just call me Sasquatch or Sas for short. I mostly just hang out in the woods, creeping, avoiding poachers and tourist, eating berries and small dogs ect...

My Interests

Running through the woods. Scaring tourist and campers. That sort of thing.

I'd like to meet:

No one. I like my solitude. Though I wont say no to a nice girl Sas.


Just the beat of the jungle.


What kinda Sasquatch do you know that watches movies?!?


Mostly myself. And maybe Yogi Bear.