Reverend Glasseye profile picture

Reverend Glasseye

"Funeral Music for Old People" -R. Roadsteamer

About Me

Get this video and more at A few kind words for Our Lady of the Broken Spine:

The album shows off a penchant for vividly drawn picaresque, unspooled by Glasseye's theatrical vocals - recalling both Nick Cave and the Decemberists... Glasseye makes good on the hype with endless inventiveness, remarkable musicianship, and dramatic sparkle. - Boston Globe

Melodramatic ballads - executed in Glasseye's signature post-punk vaudeville manner become minor-league classics of large-scale orchestration and country-goth glamour. - Paste Magazine

Our Lady of the Broken Spine... pits the evangelical fervor of singer Adam Glasseye up against mariachi brass and an accusatory Greek chorus." The Stranger

It's folk-touched but still raw and rocking, choatic energy, and solid songs; dark, yet uplifting and always intense. - Big Takeover

"Creepy and beguiling - like if Nick Cave had a Vegas act." - Nashville Rage

Bursting with an ingenious brilliance that elevates the status of the five-minutes song to high art, albeit high art created by ne'er-do-wells who sully the opera house stage with shit-covered shoes and whiskey on their breath. - F5

A hearty slab of praise for Reverend Glasseyes past efforts:

Idiosyncratic and creeping... A wiry, galloping ride through the infernal underbelly of gypsy cabaret. - Boston Metro - Westword

Glasseyes style cant be boxed into a genre, but perhaps it is creating its own- a sort of evangelistic rock orchestra gone wrong. - Knoxville Metropulse

Gloomy Genius - Sponic

An American outfit that's conceptually based not so much on po'-but-proud sharecropping bluesmen or toothless banjo-pickin' coal miners but on huckstering carnies and snake oil salesmen. - Chicago Reader

With catchy lyrics and a flair for high drama, the music is Delta blues, '60s burlesque, and the carnival, after dark. - Kitty Magik

Reverend Glasseye (has) a sound that can be revered by punkers, indie rockers, and country fans alike. - Illinois Entertainer

Modern folk rock at its finest. - Tablet

Old-timey-inspired, revivalist rock 'n' rollers whose sense of humor is eclipsed only by their uncanny ability to write a tune - truly a sight to see. - Detroit Metro Times

Adam and his eponymous Beantown band, Reverend Glasseye, have made broad swaths of dark American music, big-tent revivalism, and a general sense of joyful national doom-and-gloom their purveyance; from Appalachian banjo howl and old New England axe ballad (or both, on Sins of Portsmouth), moving westward, from sea to boiling sea. - Pittsburgh City Paper

...Yes but what about the Reverend!

Boston's Reverend Glasseye has often been labeled dark salvation music; cautionary tales filled with American superstition and human frailty performed with the pomp and production of an unclean orchestra. With their live performances, Reverend Glasseye has gained the reputation of being something of a spectacle, developing a cult-like following; a counter culture of well dressed, flower wielding celebrators who add as much fray as the bands intense fervor and off kilter musicality. Consider this post romantic revivalist glam, or perhaps simply gospel cabaret punk.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Curious World of Reverend Glasseye.

Their debut release, Black River Falls was warmly welcomed by press and radio alike; ranking number seven on CMJ's most added list and claiming a spot on the Top 200 for six weeks. The album has gone on to sell thousands of copies worldwide, creating an international underground following, and has been honored with accolades from the Boston Music Awards, Boston Phoenix awards, Performing Songwriter Monthly and the CBC to name several. Reverend Glasseye's second release, Happy End and Begin was released in the Fall of 2004 on Ottawa's Music For Cats Records, to critical praise and quickly went on to become the label's top seller. Recently, Reverend Glasseye won Boston's most prestigious battle of the bands, WBCN's Rock and Roll Rumble. The bands increasing tour schedule has packed venues from Boston to Los Angeles, Missoula to Ottawa and has granted the band performances with the likes of Rasputina, Gogol Bordello, Sex Mob, The World Famous Pontani Sisters, The Legendary Shack Shakers, and the Dresden Dolls.

Reverend Glasseyes latest full-length, Our Lady of the Broken Spine, was released in November of 2005 on Music For Cats Records. It has since been warmly received by such members of the fourth estate as The Onion's A/V Club and Paste Magazine

My Interests


Member Since: 2/7/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Adam Glasseye Beckley Guitar, Vocals.
Tim Maher Drum Kit, Vocals
Lindsey Verrill Bass Fiddle, Vocals
Warren Jackson Hearne Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin, Vocals
Dan Grissom Banjo, Concertina, Guitar, Vocals
Katie Rogers Violin, Cello, Vocals

Past and Future Members Include,

Piet Masone
Paul Dilley
Kevin Corzett
Jon Wobesky
Cassandra Lomas
Nick Gandee
Holly Brewer
M@ McNiss
Dennis Maher
Wendy Emerson
Richard Cuneo
Stevhen Iancu
Paul Fonfera
Brian Viglione
Django Kbango

Record Label: Music For Cats
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The Return of Reverend Glasseye and the Secret Show.

Hello,Myspace is preventing me from updating our show listing, but I wanted to let all of you know that Reverend Glasseye will be playing the amazing Secret Show on December 11th at a location to be a...
Posted by Reverend Glasseye on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 01:33:00 PST

Purchase Tickets to Farewell Show in Advance

Right Here. I Love You.
Posted by Reverend Glasseye on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 12:32:00 PST

A Brand New Website and Still Taking song Requests.

Hello, I put up our new website last night. I like it, it is simple yet elegant. Nothing Fancy. I hope you enjoy. Reverend Glasseye Also, we are still reviewing Song requests for our farewell show s...
Posted by Reverend Glasseye on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 06:08:00 PST

The Lonesome Exodus Of Reverend Glasseye

Hello There, As it has been recently pronounced, Reverend Glasseye will be moving to Austin Texas and going on a short Hiatus. We plan to cocoon ourselves within that warm southern cocoon and see wha...
Posted by Reverend Glasseye on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 05:49:00 PST

Reverend Glasseye nominated for an award by The Phoenix

The fine folk at the fourth estate establishment known in some circles as "The Phoenix" have been so kind as to nominate Reverend Glasseye "Best Local Roots Act" in the market known as "Boston". Pleas...
Posted by Reverend Glasseye on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 08:13:00 PST

Reverend Glasseye's Congregation Myspace Group

As brought to you by are dearest disciple, Brother Syd, Reverend Glasseye now has a Myspace group, wherein the Gentle Readers may Unite in plotting Glasseye's Imminent Domination of the Free World (or...
Posted by Reverend Glasseye on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 01:49:00 PST

You can now Purchase Our Lady of The Broken Spine, song for Song on I-Tunes

Which kind of disturbs me, but there you go. Godspeed.
Posted by Reverend Glasseye on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 02:20:00 PST


It has been a long time coming Ladies and Gentlemen, But Today at long last, you can pick up the New Record, Our Lady of the Broken Spine, wherever records are sold! or you can pick it up at our We...
Posted by Reverend Glasseye on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 10:23:00 PST

The Boston Music Awards wonder if you love Reverend Glasseye

So they nominated Adam Glasseye for an award in the "Bestest Local Male Vocalist" Category, not realizing that Adam Glasseye transcends time and space. If you would like to have The Reverend get all ...
Posted by Reverend Glasseye on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 06:32:00 PST

Watch Reverend Glasseye get the Holy Hell beat out of him

So we are about to embark on our first Music Video for the song Seventeen Lashes of our upcoming record. This is a casting call for all those interested in being in the ravenous mob of spectators dev...
Posted by Reverend Glasseye on Thu, 18 Aug 2005 11:29:00 PST