Music,loafing around,laughing- not necessarily in that order.
Someone from the Lottery Commission, as they are handing me a check for an obscene amount of money. :o)
The Holy Trinity-Bob,Neil,Bruce...Hank I,II,and III,Lucinda,Willie,Patti Smith,Aerosmith,Beatles(duh),Moody Blues,Weird Al,Chuck Wagon Gang,Louvin Bros,DBT,Fleetwood Mac(the version with Stevie Nicks is ok too),SonVolt,Wilco, Ramones, Roy Orbison, Stones,Johnny Cash, Tom Petty, Woody,Arlo, and Sarah Guthrie- that'll scratch the surface...current car listening: The Cliks, Buddy and Julie Miller, Robert G. Parish, and anything on our local NPR affliliate KUT-FM or KGSR. Justin Townes Earle is a new favorite.
#1 Comedy- I like silly ones, not stupid ones. #2 Action- Jet Li, not what's his name with the ponytail #3 Schmaltzy love stories- like The Deliberate Stranger What I don't do well with are scary movies- I had to boycott them for YEARS after seeing Poltergiest-and looking at it now IT WASN'T THAT SCARY! well, except for that damn clown doll...I could deal with the floating cadavers better than that thing! I saw various S.M. on dvd (that's Scary Movies, btw)over the years and then made the error of seeing The Ring at a theater. Headlines read, "Portly Grown Woman Crushes Date by Jumping in His Lap During Scary Movie!" If I'm tricked into it, I'll still go to see one- and actually, the theater is better, because I can close my eyes without being detected and labeled the big baby I am.
not much anymore since the Sopranos ended...if I can help it. This is no longer the "Television" section-it's the Comedy Section: I really like listening to comedy on cd...while I'm driving especially, because I like looking insane while I'm behind the wheel...keeps people from cutting me off. My all time favorite is Bill Hicks, bless his heart :'o( I have what I think are all his cd's and dvd's. Whenever I happen upon one, it's mine! It's deja vu all over again when he rags on "Bush" and "the war"...look him up and get the cd "Arizona Bay" for a hysterical take on the L.A. riot related to the Rodney King trial debacle. Yes, the man could make a riot, well, a riot! oh, if you're a prissy pants who can't stand to hear the F word, and I don't mean, you know what...suck it up, be a big boy or girl, and listen anyway. You'll get a Civics lesson in virtually every track, except maybe when he does his "dick jokes" :o)
Fantasy, Sci-fi, How-to books, Auto-biography; There are a few authorized biographies I've enjoyed: This Land was Made for You and Me:The Life and Songs of Woody Guthrie, being the most recent I've read.
Ralph Nader,Jesus...not necessarily in that order. oh, and the other J.C.... Jimmy Carter.