Margaret profile picture


Be of good cheer!!! Darn it!!! Photo taken on the ship Ecstasy, Dec. 2007 I'm a Gemini-watch for fre

About Me

I work for a living; sing and song write as avocations.(are you happy NOW Robert????)... a lot of it crummy, but once in a while I'll nail one. Won first place in the lyrics category in the Austin Songwriters Group song contest Spring 2007 :o) I have 3 perfect children, who somehow became adults...and 4 perfect grandchildren who are still teeny. I enjoy solitude as long as it's by my choice.IMPEACH CHENEY FIRST!!!!!HelpImpeachBushAmerican GraveyardBuyAmericanGraveyardRightNowThisWayToTheMotherTruck ers

My Interests

Music,loafing around,laughing- not necessarily in that order.

I'd like to meet:

Someone from the Lottery Commission, as they are handing me a check for an obscene amount of money. :o)


The Holy Trinity-Bob,Neil,Bruce...Hank I,II,and III,Lucinda,Willie,Patti Smith,Aerosmith,Beatles(duh),Moody Blues,Weird Al,Chuck Wagon Gang,Louvin Bros,DBT,Fleetwood Mac(the version with Stevie Nicks is ok too),SonVolt,Wilco, Ramones, Roy Orbison, Stones,Johnny Cash, Tom Petty, Woody,Arlo, and Sarah Guthrie- that'll scratch the surface...current car listening: The Cliks, Buddy and Julie Miller, Robert G. Parish, and anything on our local NPR affliliate KUT-FM or KGSR. Justin Townes Earle is a new favorite.


#1 Comedy- I like silly ones, not stupid ones. #2 Action- Jet Li, not what's his name with the ponytail #3 Schmaltzy love stories- like The Deliberate Stranger What I don't do well with are scary movies- I had to boycott them for YEARS after seeing Poltergiest-and looking at it now IT WASN'T THAT SCARY! well, except for that damn clown doll...I could deal with the floating cadavers better than that thing! I saw various S.M. on dvd (that's Scary Movies, btw)over the years and then made the error of seeing The Ring at a theater. Headlines read, "Portly Grown Woman Crushes Date by Jumping in His Lap During Scary Movie!" If I'm tricked into it, I'll still go to see one- and actually, the theater is better, because I can close my eyes without being detected and labeled the big baby I am.


not much anymore since the Sopranos ended...if I can help it. This is no longer the "Television" section-it's the Comedy Section: I really like listening to comedy on cd...while I'm driving especially, because I like looking insane while I'm behind the wheel...keeps people from cutting me off. My all time favorite is Bill Hicks, bless his heart :'o( I have what I think are all his cd's and dvd's. Whenever I happen upon one, it's mine! It's deja vu all over again when he rags on "Bush" and "the war"...look him up and get the cd "Arizona Bay" for a hysterical take on the L.A. riot related to the Rodney King trial debacle. Yes, the man could make a riot, well, a riot! oh, if you're a prissy pants who can't stand to hear the F word, and I don't mean, you know what...suck it up, be a big boy or girl, and listen anyway. You'll get a Civics lesson in virtually every track, except maybe when he does his "dick jokes" :o)


Fantasy, Sci-fi, How-to books, Auto-biography; There are a few authorized biographies I've enjoyed: This Land was Made for You and Me:The Life and Songs of Woody Guthrie, being the most recent I've read.


Ralph Nader,Jesus...not necessarily in that order. oh, and the other J.C.... Jimmy Carter.

My Blog

What’s new, PussyGato

So...Mother's Day is this coming Sunday... I get to spend at least part of the day with my two oldest daughters.... I'll have a belated celebration next month, when I travel to Boston with my youngest...
Posted by Margaret on Sat, 10 May 2008 09:33:00 PST

so now what???? is there such a thing as too much money???

So the director of my dept calls me to his office yesterday.... he wants me to stay where I'm at.... "give me a number that will make you happy..." :o| a number that will make me happy... oh my gosh.....
Posted by Margaret on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 06:24:00 PST

Wow! Where did the time go???

   So, I've been extraordinarily busy these last couple of weeks...lots of changes in the works...    I have submitted my resignation from the big hospital corporation of America a...
Posted by Margaret on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 01:39:00 PST

Tempted to break my keyboard in half :o)

It's wireless, and acting weird... maybe I've just worn it out or something... won't repond quickly enough at times... but that's not really what I'm writing about... September 5th?????  What the...
Posted by Margaret on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 05:34:00 PST

Melissa Reaves! You gotta hear this...

No, really... it's mandatory ;o)  I caught like, the very end of her set at the ACL fest last year and was BLOWN AWAY!  I've been lis...
Posted by Margaret on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 04:47:00 PST

Oh, they told us something disheartening at the Music Industry Boot Camp

They said we should... oh it's terrible.... They said we should watch television!!!!  They added whether we want to or not... to listen to what's being played on the shows... Well, I guess I'll j...
Posted by Margaret on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 05:15:00 PST

left out one hearty gut laugh

s'long Gonzo. AH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and remember, impeach Cheney first!  To paraphrase Sean Penn...everyone in the administration deserves to be in (expletive deleted)'ing jail!! Only h...
Posted by Margaret on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 05:00:00 PST

oh what a night!!!! TIGERS over the damnYankees!!!16-0!!!! AND I got to meet Earl Poole Ball

 the most one-sided road shutout loss in the Yankees' history, topping a 15-0 defeat at the Chicago White Sox on July 15, 1907, according to the Elias Sports Bureau...... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...
Posted by Margaret on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 09:22:00 PST

My baby is 25 today :o)

I wrote a song for her last night...first draft, but I've already sung it for her so...Ah, but I can change it up... if I need to... She's the only child I had in Texas... in Austin at that... Th...
Posted by Margaret on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 06:48:00 PST

Quit blogging and get a real life! :o)

That's a Maxine comic I saw yesterday... hehe  If it weren't for this, I wouldn't keep a journal... so I'm going to blog away... Ah, did not suck. :o) I'm still drowning at work unt...
Posted by Margaret on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 06:40:00 PST