Cameras, microphones, music
Anyone wanting to pitch me a new show
Electronica, dance, house, electro, rock... Honestly? I'm a music tart. I love it all. Anything can tickle my fancy in the right mood; hip-hop, grunge, rock, pop, classical, even country dare I say it? Not the hugest fan of anything down beat but there's nothing better than a glass of merlot on a Sunday, by the fire washed down with some jazz mmm...
Anything with Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler etc. Grandma's Boy, Blades of GLory, Talladega Nights, Anchorman is quite possibly the movie of my life. I never get sick of the same jokes. Also anything along the lines of Fight Club, History of Violence, Lock Stock and Snatch is right up my alley
Alt TV, apart from that E! channel(it legitimate cus I'm an entertainment reporter)
Always looking for a good read, feel free to post/msg suggestions
My wonderful sponsors Bettjemans who put up with my attention-deficit-hair-disorder, 91ZM, with special thanks to Aaron K Photography, Masa Milnovic Makeup, Mooks, MOne11, Freshjive, Paul Frank and Mossimo. I love you all.