Hotdog profile picture


Ah, dont be a weenie

About Me

Im Just your average hotdog, trying not to get eaten, being able to talk helps me not get eaten so i mean I'm no different from anyone else... other than the fact that im a hotdog. Im not really a specific type of hotdog, ill be whatever I want, Regular,Chilly,covered in relish! So i mean if you only want to add me to say you have a talking hotdog on your freinds list, that would rule.
This has ben happening alot, so if you qualify for any of these, I will delete you and you can get bent.
1- You are a site that contains EXTREME "mature content"
2- Your myspace looks iffy, and your set to private so i have to add you to check your page.
3-You post advertisements in your adds. Its ok if you keep them small. But if its a recurring thing, your gone.
4- You post really long comments all the time. Its ok if you have done it once or twice. But it pisses me off. I might delete it, but I might not delete you, like if its a comment saying hello that contains alot of pictures.
5- I discover your an extreme douche bag.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Videogames, Baseball, and im pretty good at drawing stuff.

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that doesnt like to eat hotdogs, or people that will talk to me before they think about eating me!


AC/DC, Greenday, the 5,6,7,8's, The Aqua-Bats, and LemonDemon.


Napolion dynamite, Starwars (all), Pulp fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Waiting, Kung Pow: Enter th fist, The boondock saints, and Snatch... ....


Family guy, South park, The Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy, Fosters home for imagineary friends, the simpsons, My name is Earl, and the office.


The zombie survival guide, Hippo eats dwarf, MAD magazine, and Curious george books


Oscar Mayer, and yo mama