Buffalo Bill profile picture

Buffalo Bill

You don't know what pain is!!

About Me

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I enjoy sewing machines, dirty basements with nazi quilted beds, tailoring (human skin cause its softer and less hair to shave). I prefer to sew naked to get the full effect of the vibrating needle and pedal. Use to see a shrink a while back that was insane, more than me even. Ive been living in Mrs. Lippmans basement for a few years now and I can't remember when I was last upstairs. Im sure I have her card around somewhere up there...I think it was called "lippman custom titty fitters", but I'm not sure. I need to check on Mrs. Lippman one of these days because the last time I saw her she said she was going to take a steamy hot bath. I like moths because they symbolize a rebirth. There is usualy one or 2 flying around here somewhere. They are pretty hard to catch in the dark though. Well, I gotta weave another basket out of human skin (a new hobby of mine), then I'll have another update.
Buffalo Bill hosed his well with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Sewing, tailoring, anything to do with human skin being cut(I would probably get along with the Emo crowd pretty well), dank basements with no ventilation, moths, swastika quilt designs, night vision goggles, dark colored vans, fake couches and arm slings.

if you don't put this.....

on this.....

you're gonna get this......

I'd like to meet:

Hannibal Lector, Clarice Starling, Dr. Childers, Ms. Moffet (again)


Anything the echoes in my basement and sounds creepy and goes with the rhythm of the sewing machine I have. I have fast feet.


Me. I am a basement master. How much better at playing basement can you get than that? People that build forts from tents need to learn that it can be done with blankets.

My Blog

Friend rankings.

Well, I have had a couple people ask me about this so I will go ahead and explain something about this page. All of the friends listed here on the "top 24" are in the order that they joined and that w...
Posted by Buffalo Bill on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 12:30:00 PST

A Neck of Lettuce

Just wondered if anyone knew where to get one.
Posted by Buffalo Bill on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 12:46:00 PST

cheap hoses

This really pisses me off. I took the bus all the way to the hardware store to buy a new hose and it busted next to the well!! Cheap shit! The damn thing I had in there got loose cause it filled with ...
Posted by Buffalo Bill on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:46:00 PST