Nuwine Music Video on TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network)
T-Bone Music Video "Throwin out da wicked"
Easop's Music Video "Out Tha Box"
Nitro Praizes' Music Video "Hallelujah!"
Most of all, I love playing my Samick acoustic/electric guitar, my Fender Stratocastor electric guitar, my Squire by Fender bass, and singing. I am also a music/song writer/artist. I am also an Information Technology/Computer Support Specialist and Software Developer/Engineer.
On December 14, 2007, I graduated from Lamar State College in Orange, Texas with an Associate of Applied Science Degree as an Information Technology/Computer Support Specialist and a certificate as a Software Developer/Engineer. . Also, I want to get the CISCO Networking Support Specialist certification from Lamar Orange.
I plan on getting my Bachlors degree at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas. in MIS (Microsoft Information Systems). I am also a believer in Jesus Christ and I have a personal relationship with Him. Too many people; including self-proclaimed and/or so-called Christians put on a front/show in the flesh. They go around saying and doing one thing and saying and doing something other.
They preach to you but they are not holding to what they preach and/or claim. None of us are perfect. Only God is perfect, good, holy, just, righteous, etc. You have to keep your guard up because there are people who will hurt you, use you, gossip about you, slander you, etc. The reason why is because I have experienced it with many people.
A Christian lady friend said that God is prospering me, He will continue prospering me, and He has someone special for me to be my help meet, my best friend, and my wife.
In Christ's Love,
My Baby Got Book (Buy-Her-a-Rock Remix) Music Video...
My Baby Got Book (Buy-Her-a-Rock Remix) Music Video...
My Baby Got Book (OFFICIAL) Music Video...
My Baby Got Book (OFFICIAL) Music Video...
http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=C6YTV6_Y3s4
Here I am to worship
http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=lkkhhlKrrkc
The name of mine and Derrick's group is "Fruits of the Spirit." Keep checking back for more music, etc.
Jesus said "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4:14
I AM SO IN LOVE WITH JESUS, I AM SO HAPPY!!!! LOL!!! Not long ago, I drove myself into a deep hole that I could not get out of emotionally, physically, financially, etc. I am talking about I had all kinds of things. But I went to God in prayer and He softened my heart, etc. God washed me over and over in His love, etc. I prayed and got prayed for and God delivered me from things. All the bondage that I was in, everything was wiped clean.
My desire is for the Lord and the things He has for me. Since then, I have walked out my love for the Lord, I struggle with things, but God always brings me through, He has taken care of me financially, etc. I do tithe and give offerings to the Lord and believe me...the bible "God's written Word" has promises to us such as reaping what you sow. I have been and I am still so blessed.
From being a Holy Spirit filled born again Christian, I have realized I cannot hide anything, when I have problems, I have to face them, give them to God; however, I got to know that I have to take a step in letting God have them. I cannot shove them away and act like everything is cool. God has showed me that He wants me to be who He made me to be, "no fronts."
So thats hard sometimes cause I have to be vulnerable and put myself out there and trust that God made me that way! lol!
If people do not receive you, then Jesus does with His arms open wide. One of the songs that I wrote has these words in the chorus, "Jesus healed the sick and gave to the people who believed, and if you open your heart His love you shall receive. He heals the sick and gives to the people who believe and if you open your heart His love you shall receive."
Other than that, I am just trying to push through myself. I believe the only thing that can stop me from doing the Will of God is myself. Besides all that, I am a minister and witness of God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Also I am a Gospel/Christian/Praise & Worship guitarist, vocalist, music/song artist.
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I am a virgin waiting until marriage.
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Fire On The Altar