Burning The Bush - Live @ Maggie's 12/31/07
AIM me: LarsKillsNapster
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"Expired drivers license. Why can't a marriage license do that?" -Al Bundy
"Usually beautiful women don't turn back into you until after I'm finished!" -Peter Griffin
"Man don't know true happiness until he gets married. Then it's too late!" -Jerry "The King" Lawler
"Ha! I got your hat! Take that, hatless! Now go back to the quad and resume your hackey sac tourney! I'm not gonna lay down for some frat boy bastard with his damn teether sandals and his Skoal Bandits and his Abercrombie and Fitch long sleeved, open stitched, crew neck Henley smoking his sticky buds out of a soda can while watching his favorite downloaded Simpsons episodes every night! Yes, we all love "Mr. Plow"! Oh, you've got the song memorized, do you? SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE! That is exactly the kind of idiot you see at Taco Bell at 1 in the morning! The guy who just whiffed his way down the bar skank ladder!" -Stewie
"You know why divorce is so expensive? Because it's worth it!" -The bottle in a Mike's Hard Lemonade commercial
"What the fuck?! Why am I talking to someone in India about my computer that was made in Japan and bought in America?" Foamy The Squirrel
"I'm a white male, age 18 to 49. Everyone listens to me, no matter how dumb my suggestions are." -Homer Simpson
"Garth, marriage is punishment for shoplifting in some countries." -Wayne Campell
"I'm a Republican, Roger. Fixing elections is my bread and butter. You know how many votes George Bush got in the first election? 7!" -Stan Smith
"I think I'd make a better president than George Bush. I'll tell you what, George Bush and Dick Cheney have been to jail more times than I have, and I used to shoot heroin, now what does that tell you?" - Dave Mustaine
"if lesbian cheerleaders cannot have sex in a bathroom stall, then the terrorists have won. game over." -Best Week Ever
Moving objects on your screen is a lot like moving objects around your desk. For example, clicking and dragging an icon is a lot like physically picking up a pencil with your hand and dropping the pencil in a new location. Similarly, to move a screen object, you first position the mouse pointer on the object. Next, you "pick up" the object by pressing and holding down the left mouse button. While you're still holding down the mouse button, move the mouse pointer to where you want to "drop" the object, and then release the mouse button. - Getting Started: Microsoft Windows98
I mean, think about it. Other than the war in Iraq, the Katrina disaster, the deficit, the CIA leak, torture, stopping stem cell research, homeland security, global warming and undercutting science, we've yet to really feel the negative effects of the Bush administration. - Bill Maher
I think you are a mosh pit, extreme wrestling, Anthrax goatee Looking, computer geek! -Eddy B
"flickr ? I dont even know her!" -Mister Slimy Toad
"We have Indian vs. Native American Indian - I don't know whether to call for taxi or bingo" -John "Bradshaw" Layfield
"America touts itself as the land of the free, but the number one freedom that you and I have is the freedom to enter into a subservient role in the workplace. Once you exercise this freedom you've lost all control over what you do, what is produced, and how it is produced. And in the end, the product doesn't belong to you. The only way you can avoid bosses and jobs is if you don't care about making a living. Which leads to the second freedom: the freedom to starve." -Tom Morello
"Now I for one think that evolution is a bunch of bull crap. But I've been told I have to teach it anyway. It was thought up by Charles Darwin and it goes something like this. In the beginning, we were all fish, okay, swimming around in the water. And then one day a couple of fish had a retard baby. And the retard baby was different so it got to live. So retard fish goes on to make more retard babies, and then one day a retard baby fish crawled out of the ocean with its mutant fish hands, and it had butt sex with a squirrel or something, and made this retard-frog-squirrel and then that had a retard baby which was a monkey-fish-frog, and then this monkey-fish-frog had butt sex with that monkey and that monkey had a mutant retard baby that screwed another monkey and that made you. So there you go. You're the retarded offspring of five monkeys having butt sex with a fish-squirrel. Congratulations." -Mrs. Garrison
"Oh my god. Oh my god, what's happening to me? I'm like that Texas woman who gave her son brain damage by holding him under water. (gasps) I'm just like Barbara Bush!" -Lois Griffin
"I look like a cross between a funeral director and a douchebag. My Chemical Romance wouldn't admit that to you." -Chris "Bob Boner" Demakes (Less Than Jake
This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor V2.5