* Piercing & Tattoo (I've got piercing in my nape, Smiley, tongue, eyebrow, lip, nose, 12 in left ear and 7 in my right ear.)
* Meeting with my friends
* Party
* Internet
* Music
Hmmm... People like me, people who like punk rock, people who like piercing and tattoo... just people like me ;)
* Green Day
* Akurat
* Dezerter
* Farben Lehre
* Happysad
* Hey
* Hurt
* Leniwiec
* Pidzama Porno
* Podwórkowi Chuligani
* Eye For An Eye
* Kult
* Piwniczne Odpady
* Pogodno
* Uliczny Opryszek
* Wlochaty
* Zielone Zabki
* Zabili Mi Zólwia
* Strachy Na Lachy
* Sex Pistols
* Bunkier
* Bachor
* Lumpex '75
* Cela Nr. 3
* Para Wino
* Siekiera
* The Analogs
* The Bill
* Pogodno
Many horrors, eg.:
* "Saw 1,2,3"
* "Friday the 13th"
* "Nightamre on Elm Street"
* "Children of the corn"
and many other... eg.:
* "American Pie"
* "Hooligans"
* "The Catcher in the Rye"
* "Pamietnik narkomanki"
* "My, dzieci z dworca Zoo"
* "Stokrotka"