Van Halen / Miles Davis / Zeppelin / Edda Dell' Orso / Queen / Static-X / Steeley Dan / Public Enemy / Jane's Addiction / Rage Against The Machine / Earth Wind And Fire / Filter / U2 / Prodigy / Will Downing / NIN / and mutha fuckin' Night Ranger
"Taxi Driver" "Jaws" "To Live And Die In L.A." "The Last American Virgin" "Mullholland Dr." "Phantom Of The Paradise" "Don't Torture A Duckling" "Lisa And The Devil" "Straw Dogs" "Kenny and Co." "The Wanderers" "The Road Warrior" "Battle Royale" "Once Upon A Time In The West" "Deep Red" "Blow Out" "Serial Mom" "La Dolce Vita" "Escape From New York" "Turkish Delight" "Used Cars" "Cannibal Holocaust" "Sunset Boulevard" "Repo Man" "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" "A Clockwork Orange" "Come And See" "Raiders Of The Lost Ark" "Boogie Nights" "Rumble Fish" "The Night Evelyn Came Out Of The Grave" "T.A.G. The Assassination Game" "Flash Gordon" "Class Of 1984" and all films featuring bad ass brothers doin' kung fu like "The Last Dragon" and "Black Samurai"
Arrested Development / Scrubs / Curb Your Enthusiasm / The Office / Twin Peaks / Freaks And Geeks / Spaced / The Wire / The Sopranos / Band Of Brothers / Jon Stewart / Bill Maher / and Conan O'Brien
If Chins Could Kill by Bruce Campbell / I Fellini / What It Is...What It Was! / Profondo Argento / Silent Bob Speaks / Joe Bob Goes To The Drive-In / BFI Film Classics Series / and anything by Pauline Kael or Chuck Palahniuk
De Palma/ Spielberg/ Scorsese/ Argento/ Tarantino/ Miike, Verhoeven/ Lynch/ Fulci/ Bava/ Cronenberg/ Carpenter/ Fincher/ Spike Jonze/ P.T. Anderson/ Kubrick/ Coen Bros./ Wilder/ Romero/ Fellini/ and any pimp ass brother who juggles chainsaws or plays guitar on rollerskates.