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Set To PRIVATE, Sorry.
If you are a friend of mine on MySpace, no matter who you are, I'll want to send you a weekly comment. If you disable HTML, I'll send you an email with my graphic since I like sharing my creative side. Thanks, in advance, for not blocking me, LOL!!!
Good manners sometimes means simply putting up with other people's bad manners.
-H. Jackson Brown Jr-
Dr. Phil Says Don't Click This Text
About Me:
Melissa had her first experience with the paranormal at age 16; she witnessed a residual haunting repeat the same actions for several hours. Since then, she’s been convinced that our souls can get trapped on the earthly plane, forever. Melissa has seen it with her own eyes, and knows once you see it, you’ll believe too!
Melissa is highly sensitive to spirit vibrations; her psychic awareness seems to constantly develop to higher frequencies on its own. Melissa is also empathic and has experienced Clair-Audience (audible spirit voices), and Clair-Alience (spirits that project smells & odors). Melissa also sees collective spirit energy in small areas; it looks like a light fog or mist. Melissa’s psychic ability is not done with her own control; she has still not mastered to tap into her psychic resources at will.
Melissa has had multitudes of paranormal and spiritual experiences for over 25 years, and has been researching and investigating paranormal phenomena for 4 years. During informal investigations, she has captured EVP implying spirits, in-fact, detect her; including several EVP’s, in which a voice can be heard saying “Melissa.â€
Melissa believes spirituality and science should be utilized to try to balance the research of psychic and paranormal occurrences. Melissa has found it a struggle to meet individuals with the same appreciation and investigative research qualities of the paranormal realm. Melissa has always possessed an intense and passionate interest in the paranormal realm, but considers her-self a skeptic, and is willing to accept other theories. She has gone so far as to debunk her own false-positives; data that appears to be paranormal but is debunked after being reproduced, due to being recreated and proven to be a natural occurring phenomena and/or explainable.
What Led Melissa To Paranormal Investigation And Research?
The catalyst in finding Paranormal Investigations was based on genealogy; while researching her own genealogy, Melissa stumbled across a message post on a website from a woman in Virginia needing someone in Southern California to take photos of her great-great grandmother's headstones (for her virtual cemetery project). Melissa willfully accepted the quest and began a Google query (how to take good cemetery photos). Melissa brought all the necessary equipment in order to take headstone photos and also recorded her first Electric Voice Phenomena’s too.
What Are Melissa’s Beliefs?
Melissa believes any experience, whether good, bad or indifferent, is meant to mark our souls toward the next level of progression on a higher spiritual realm. Melissa is in a constant state of research, to understand and better perceive why she and many others like her; See, Feel, Hear, Know, Sense, Experience and Believe as she Believes.
Melissa proudly comes from a diverse cultural ethnicity; Puerto Rican, Italian and Basque-Spanish.
Don't Mistake My Kindness
For A Sign Of Weakness.
And Don't Mistake My
Crazy Sense Of Humor
For Being Drunk Either.
Take Time To Get To Know Me, You'll Figure It Out.
If You Have Invested Your Time Wisely Then I'll Keep My Package 100% Tight On My End.
Who I'd Like To Meet:
(1) People Who Can Grasp What Kind Of A Person I Am And What I Have To Offer In This World. Fo Shizzle Ma Nizzle, Word. :-D
(2) People Who Already Have A Grip On Life And Have Taken It By The Balls, Like Me.
Who I'd Not Like To Meet:
(1) People Who Are Extremely Negative Or People Who Need To Use Other People's Energy.
(2) People Who Use Drugs (THC) Or Alcohol OR Are In An Inebriated State At An Investigation.
Hey Friends!
All Of My Videos Are Uploaded Directly Into MySpace. To View My Other Videos, Scroll Back Up And Select 'Videos' Under My Profile Pic. ENJOY!
Darkness Radio Presents
Return To The Queen Mary.
I'll Be There. Will You? Click Pic For Details.
I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear.
Knowing what must be done, does away with fear.
-Rosa Parks-
I never give them hell.
I just tell the truth,
And they think it's hell.
-Harry Truman-
I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.
-Albert Einstein-
I resolve to speak ill of no man, whatever, not even in a matter of truth; but rather by some means excuse the faults I hear charged upon others, and upon proper occasions speak all the good I know of everybody.
-Benjamin Franklin-
There is enough light for those who desire only to see, and enough darkness for those of a contrary disposition.
-Blaise Pascal-