Hetera - NEW Song Available profile picture

Hetera - NEW Song Available

Hetera - Belgrade

About Me

Hetera Bio

Bend je formiran krajem 2000. godine, u Beogradu, Srbija. U to vreme, zvali su se Spirit of Destruction i svirali su HC/Punk sa uticajima metala. Pod ovim imenom, bend isplovljava iz demo voda i pojavljuje se 2002. godine na kompilaciji beogradske radio stanice "202" najboljih YU demo bendova, uz druge bendove, od kojih su neki vec postigli uspehe u ovoj sferi muzickih ostvarenja. Bend su tada sachinjavali: Boris Sumrak (vokali), Marko Lazic (gitare), Luka Jurašin (gitare), Ivan Stankovic (bas), Ðordo Vujicic (bubanj). 2003. godine, u bend dolazi Uroš Markovic (klavijature), a bend menja ime u "Hetera". Na prolece 2004., izlazi i njihov prvi album, "Sa One Strane", koji prezentuje melodic/black/gothic pravce, na srpskom jeziku. Nakon turneje u organizaciji Radija Beograd "202" i svirke na Trgu Republike u Beogradu, 2004., pocinje rad na drugom albumu, po imenu "Taida". U Heteru, na mesto clean vokala dolazi Radoš Culibrk, a Ðorda Vujicica na mestu bubnjara menja Goran Kovacevic. Kao i prethodni, i ovaj album je izdat za beogradsku kucu "One Records", 2006. godine. Za razliku od prethodnog albuma, "Taida" prezentuje moderniji melodic/black metal. Nakon nastupa na EXIT festivalu, 2006., u bendu dolazi do radikalnih promena. Iz benda izlaze Uroš Markovic, Boris Sumrak i Goran Kovacevic, a Radoš Culibrk biva izbacen. Na njihova mesta dolaze Dobroslav Slijepcevic (klavijature - clan benda "Apocalypse"), Aleksandar Vucetic (vokali), Andrej Mišic (bubanj - "Esgaroth" i "Nightfall"). U ovoj postavi, bend je nastupio na EXIT fest-u, '07. Takode je snimljena prva pesma koja promoviše novi materijal, po imenu "Issues". Pravac koji Hetera sada prati je industrial/modern metal.
Hetera Bio
The band was formed in the end of the year 2000., in Belgrade, Serbia. Back then, they went under the name Spirit of Destruction, and they played a kind of metalised HC/Punk. Under this name, the band drifts out of the demo waters and in 2002., appears on a "Best Demo Bands" compilation hosted by Belgrade's radio station - "202", with many other bands, of which some have already had succes in this particular area of musical achievements. The members were: Boris Sumrak (vocals), Marko Lazic (guitars), Luka Jurashin (guitars), Ivan Stankovic (bass), Djordjo Vujichic (drums). In 2003., Urosh Markovic joins the band ..boards, and the band changes name to "Hetera". In the spring, 2004., their first full-lenght release is out, by the name of "On The Other Side", which presents melodic/black/gothic genre. Finishing a tour hosted again by the Belgrade's radio station "202" and a show at the Belgrade's Republic Square, in 2004., the band begins working on their new release, named "Taida". The band is joined by Radosh Culibrk (clean vocals), and the drummer, Djordjo is replaced by Goran Kovachevic. Unlike its predecessor, "Taida" presents a much more modern melodic/black sound in their native language, Serbian. After a show at the EXIT festival, in 2006., the band suffers major reconstruction. Urosh Markovic, Boris Sumrak and Goran Kovachevic leave the band and Radosh Culibrk gets expelled. In their place come Dobroslav Slijepchevic (keys - also a member of "Apocalypse"), Aleksandar Vucetic (vocals), Andrej Mishic (drums - "Esgaroth", "Nightfall"). This new band performs at the EXIT FEST once again, in 2007. Also, their first promo of their new material is recorded under the name, "Issues". The genre Hetera is performing in now, is industrial/modern metal.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/19/2006
Band Members: Vocals : Aleksandar Vucetic

Guitars : Marko Lazic

Guitars : Luka Jurašin

Bass : Ivan Stankovic

Drums : Andrej Mišic

Keyboards : Dobroslav Slijepcevic

*** Ex - Members : ***
Scream vocals : Boris Sumrak
Clean Vocals : Rados Culibrk
Drums : Goran Kovacevic
Keyboards : Vladimir Djedovic
Drums : Djordjo Vujichic
Keyboards : Urosh Markovic

Influences: In Flames, Soilwork, Disarmonia Mundi, Mudvayne, Spineshank, Breaking Benjamin, Dimmu Borgir, etc...
Sounds Like: Hetera
Record Label: One Records
Type of Label: Indie

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Jos malo pa sad ce... Nove pesme ::: SOON final versions of new SONGS!

Uskoro, ce profil biti updateovan sa finalnim verzijama pesama sa skoro snimljenog materijala... Bicete obavesteni... Soon, Hetera MySpace profile will be updated with new, finished versions of recent...
Posted by Hetera - NEW Song Available on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 04:27:00 PST

Nove fotke - New Photos - SKC 02.08.2008

http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.vi ewPicture&friendID=86601394&albumId=1631984
Posted by Hetera - NEW Song Available on Tue, 06 May 2008 11:06:00 PST