ALMIGHTY EMPEROR profile picture



About Me

In the end of 2003 e.v., Almighty Emperor was created under the shade of the chaos, wars and disaster, having been forged by Deoarsprofanum to spread your hate against the hypocrisy of the religions and doctrines to the weak creatures that destroy our world...
In the beginning of 2004 e.v., Lord Blasphemy and Obscurium is joined to the horde for initiate the compositions that resulted in a furious material to record the first artefact, but Lord Blasphemy leaves the horde after some rehearsals. In 2005 e.v., Alastor was joined to the warcraft for finish the material that horde had released in November of this year. "At Battlefields of the Abyssal Realm" was released by the Diabolous Productions (Bolivia) in format cassette with 500 limited copies having added to forces to the black metal movement.
In 2006 e.v., after Almighty Emperor make some concerts to promote "At Battlefields of the Abyssal Realm" and to all receive critical positive from the public and the media specialized in the world in countries as Brazil, Bolivia, Germany, Portugal, Sweden, Estonia, Norway, Thailand, Singapore, United States and Canada... Almighty Emperor make a new partnership with the Satanicrew Records (Brazil) to re-released "At Battlefields of the Abyssal Realm" in format CD in limitless copies with world-wide distribution presenting a new layout and new cover, fixing with iron and blood, your name in the world-wide scene underground through the black flag of black metal.
In the Beginning of 2007, the horde signs with the american recorder Battle Hymn Records for release in February, a special edition of “At Battlefields of the Abyssal Realm” with new cover and more two extras songs called “Killing the Servants of Cross” and “Dark Savage Extermination”. The special edition was making in a tape format with more 500 copies. This partnership was consolidating the distribution of this material in United States of America, Canada and some countries of Europe.
Now in 2007, Almighty Emperor it’s prepares to enter in studio in February for beginning to the recordings of debut-CD that will be entitled "Division 666 - Darkest Rebel Alliance" that will be released in the first semester of 2007 initially for the Black Armour Records (Brazil), however the stamp already is entering in contact with partners to permit this material for other stamps in the exterior, mainly in the Europe and North America, in order to keep the distribution of the materials of horde, fortifying each time more the message of terror and express blasphemy in such a way musically how much ideologically for the same one...
And the war continues...
Almighty Emperor currently is:
Deoarsprofanum (Guitars/Vox), Alastor (Bass Guitars/Backing Vocals) and Obscurium (Drums).
No final de 2003 e.v., Almighty Emperor foi criada sob a sombra do caos, guerras e desgra..a, sendo forjada por Deoarsprofanum para espelhar seu ..dio contra a hipocrisia das e suas doutrinas ..s criaturas fracas, que destroem nosso mundo...
No in..cio de 2004 e.v., juntam-se a horda Lord Blasphemy e Obscurium para iniciarem as que resultou em um furioso material para gravar o primeiro artefato, mas Lord Blasphemy deixa a horda depois de alguns ensaios. Em 2005 e.v., Alastor juntou-se a maquina de guerra para terminar o material que a horda havia lan..ado em Novembro deste ano. “At Battlefields of the Abyssal Realm” foi lan..ado pela Diabolous Productions (Bol..via) em formato cassete com 500 c..pias limitadas adicionando ao movimento black metal.
Em 2006 e.v., depois de Almighty Emperor realizar alguns concertos para promover “At Battlefields of the Abyssal Realm” e receber cr..ticas positivas do p..blico e da m..dia especializada no mundo todo em como Brasil, Bol..via, Alemanha, Portugal, Su..cia, Est..nia, Noruega, Tailândia, Cingapura, Estados Unidos e Canad.....Almighty Emperor fechou uma nova parceria com a Satanicrew Records (Brasil) para “At Battlefields of the Abyssal Realm” em formato CD em c..pias ilimitadas com distribui..ão mundial apresentando um novo layout e nova capa, cravando de vez com ferro e sangue, seu nome no underground mundial atrav..s da negra bandeira do black metal.
No come..o de 2007, a horda asssinou com a Battle Hymn Records para o relan..amento de "At Battlefields of the Abyssal Realm" em edi..ão especial com duas m..sicas extras b..nus al..m do material original. O lan..amento .. em formato tape com 500 c..pias limitadas. Esta nova parceria consolida um melhor distribui..ão do material nos Estados UNidos, Canad.. e alguns da Europa.
Agora em 2007, Almighty Emperor se prepara para entrar em est..dio novamente em Fevereiro para dar in..cio ..s do debut-CD que ser.. intitulado “Division 666 – Darkest Rebel Alliance” que ser.. lan..ado no primeiro semestre de 2007 inicialmente pela Black Armour Records (Brasil), por..m o selo j.. est.. entrando em contato com parceiros para licenciar este material para outros selos no exterior, principalmente na Europa e Am..rica do Norte, a fim de manter a distribui..ão dos materiais da horda, fortalecendo cada vez mais a mensagem de terror e blasf..mia expressa tanto musicalmente quanto liricamente pela mesma...
E a guerra continua...
Almighty Emperor atualmente ..: Deoarsprofanum (Guitarras/Vocais), Alastor (Baixo) e Obscurium (Bateria).
Battle Hymn Records - Feb / 2007

1 - Intro
2 - Burning the Ancient Laws
3 - The Fortress
4 - With Iron and Blood
5 - Killing the Servants of Cross*
6 - Dark Savage Extermination*
* bonus tracks
Diabolous Productions - Apr / 2006

1 - Intro
2 - Burning the Ancient Laws
3 - The Fortress
4 - With Iron and Blood
Almighty Emperor is supported by Nigrum Serpentis Promotion.
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

My Interests


Member Since: 6/19/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
Guitars & Vocals
Guitarras & Vocais

Bass Guitars & Backing Vocals
Contra-baixo & Backing Vocals

Influences: Marduk, Immortal, Behemoth...
Record Label: Independent
Type of Label: Major