TomKo profile picture


Semi-retired Party God.

About Me

How do I describe myself? Not sure, so let's give it a try. I have degrees in Accounting, Medieval Studies and Political Science. I was the president of the Homebrewers of Staten Island. I am a bit of a beer-ophile and have written various articles about beer. I've taught accounting at CSI and at NYC College of Technology. I am considered witty... or by some... insane! I enjoy cooking, going to museums and other cultural or historical sites. While in college I worked as a costumed interpretor at the Richmondtown Restoration in Staten Island, as a Printer (I got to operate the oldest working press in America).

My Interests

EverQuest I & II; Sci-Fi and Fantasy Movies and Books. And photography (below is a photoshow of Staten Island Borough Hall's Centennial) .. Your results:
You are Malcolm Reynolds (Captain) Malcolm Reynolds (Captain) 80% Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic) 70% Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic) 65% River (Stowaway) 60% Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command) 55% Wash (Ship Pilot) 55% Derrial Book (Shepherd) 55% Jayne Cobb (Mercenary) 45% Inara Serra (Companion) 35% A Reaver (Cannibal) 15% Alliance 15% Honest and a defender of the innocent.
You sometimes make mistakes in judgment
but you are generally good and
would protect your crew from harm.
Click here to take the Serenity Personality Quiz

I'd like to meet:

Fun loving people that are laid-back and appreciate a good brew and a good steak!


I love classic Rock and Metal plus some lesser known bands such as Horslips, Slade & XTC.


I enjoy all movies except Horror. Sci-Fi, Comedy and Action flicks are my favorite genres.


If it is on the Sci-Fi Channel I love it... Sci-Friday rules! The Daily Show and Colbert Report are must sees. On network TV I watch 24, Veronica Mars, Lost, Boston Legal, Heroes, Psych, 4400, Burn Notice to name a few. Seems like some of the best TV now is on Comedy Central, USA Network and Sci-Fi channel!


I enjoy Sci-Fi and Fantasy books. I don't have as much time for reading so I mainly ready books like Jon Stewart's "America" or satires.


Italian Sausage... Blimpie Best... oh... not hero sandwiches? Hmmm... that's harder. I admire many people, far too many to name here!

My Blog

Hot Beer? Heck Yes if its from Belgium!

I spent a long time trying to track down some of Liefman's Gluhkriek, a Belgian Cherry Ale, which is meant to be served heated. This is a beer I had the pleasure of sampling at Adobe Blues in Staten I...
Posted by TomKo on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 01:23:00 PST

TomKo on Beer

Today's brews are the Trappist Ales of Belgium. There are six Trappist Breweries, five in Belgium and one in France. All told these six breweries produce 20 different beers in total. The six Breweries...
Posted by TomKo on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 04:15:00 PST

TomKo on Beer

Yesterday I wrote about the Labic Beers of Belgium. Today I will be covering another, rarer style of Beer... the Berliner Weisse. Berliner Weisse is a style brewed only in Berlin, making it an extreme...
Posted by TomKo on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:13:00 PST

TomKo on Beer

When most people think of Beer they think of the big US beers like Bud, Coors and Miller, which is a very narrow veiw of one of the world's oldest beverages. When people tell me they don't like beer I...
Posted by TomKo on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 06:37:00 PST

TomKo's Thought of the Day

Ok.... so Day Light Savings time started a little earlier this year. Can anyone say what was "Saved"? Economically it will cost American citizens millions in increased gas and electric costs. Why? You...
Posted by TomKo on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 06:24:00 PST