Oh goodness...Ask me. It changes daily. There is a few things that ALWAYS interest me... ;) Delicious Food, Dancing, Modern Art, Going on Random Crazy Road Trips and Beautiful People...Did I mention I am totally disgusted with the way this Country that I live in is being CONTROLLED RIGHT NOW?OH! My current and ongoing interest is being INVOLVED in seeing George W. Bush get what he deserves.... Oh the Karma....
REAL PEOPLE WITH REAL PASSION... Is that too much to ask? Artists who have FRESH work, and are interested in promoting a change in the world through their art, Filmmakers, Event Throwers, Goddesses!, Travelers *and* Activists of all flavors. .... I would also love to meet Gir, I have recently decided upon the purchase of my new Invader Zim DVD! =D
You are drum and bass!
*old school Moby*
dj Shadow
The Chemical brothers
--Way Out West*
* The Faint*
*Moving Units*
Fiona Apple
This really could go on for days...
...I also love me some Ninja Tunes
The chemical Brothers are genius...Suggestions always welcome!
I am hugely into documentaries: the Corporation, the future of food, born into brothels... I am far more into directors then films themselves as of right now. But to name a few more: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Brick, Forrest Gump.... But to be honest I pretty much despise all the crap that is coming out of Hollywood at the moment.
Media = Murder Don't believe the hype, those commercials are hypnotizing you....
My taste in writing changes frequently.
It depends on my mood... Currently: Michel Gondry People who make good Music, I am really scared of Music making, but I am getting to the point of overcoming that... Claire Burch ...People who use bodily fluids as art supplies