Please see under E or W
Patrick Macnee-David Bowie -Rachel Grant- Chrissie Hynde
The Sex Pistols- The Clash-The Damned-Dead Men Walking- Goldblade-T.Rex-David Bowie- The Beatles- The Pretenders- plus bands local to me The Kants- The Huskies- The Maker
Bilko-Father Ted-Doctor Who-The Avengers-Randall & Hopkirk(deceased)(Mike kenneth & annette version)-The Saint-The Munsters -Red Dwarf-Mash-
Dracula- 1984- Kings & Castles
Living - Captian Sensible - Dave Vanian -knox-Eddie-Pete - Mike Peters- Kirk Brandon-Chrissie Hynde-All of the Sex Pistols-David Bowie-Ringo Starr-John Robb-Johnny Depp-Batman-T V Smith -Gay Advert-John Cooper Clark Dead Marc Bolan-Joe Strummer -Sid Vicious-Bela Lugosi-Karen Carpenter Stan & Olly -