..I'm a singer-songwriter but a painter as well and have been and probably will be many other things in the future..
I dont have too much balance probably I have lots of energy certainly!
I think the only wothwhile path to follolw is that of being oneself just oneself and again oneself.. it is hard.. it is hard it is just so hard
but I think it is worth trying...I think i n the end you may find god or love same thing to me
I have experienced awful oscillations in my life ..but everytime I touched an extreme.. I changed I jumped I changed!
beautiful thing ..changing changing and changing again...
..be proud and thin hair are very similar in their motivation "Very often I have experienced a feeling of inadequacy and frailty whereas I knew that I needed strength and determination to go on. It is as if I am encouraging myself to be strong..and to be myself no matter what.."
when you will come is a meditation about death and this is very important to me.. I believe that we should always carry with us the awareness of our temporary staying here on earth I think this awareness can help us make more serious choices about our life and our destiny
In darkness I simply try to explain to those who love me that I cannot be moulded into one definite form no one really can each person is an infinite being, a constantly changing infinite being"
Cd Be Proud 2006
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