TABLOID LOVE profile picture

TABLOID LOVE or TABFL.COM -- The True Online Celebrity Fantasy League!!!

About Me

Why doesn't Nicole eat? Why is Britney so trashy? Why does Jessica Simpson continue to get botox injections? Will Jennifer Aniston ever get over Brad? These are just some of the questions I ask myself many times a day.

Also, I am working on a celebrity fantasy league. The first site of its kind --


We have also created a new game for the ACADEMY AWARDS at:

My Interests

Ali G Interviews Posh Spice and David Beckham. Absolutely hilarious!!!.. width="425" height="350" ..Ashton Kutcher as K-Fed!!!.. width="425" height="350" ..James Lipton (Inside Actor's Studio) Reciting K-Fed Freestyle -- OMG, frickin hilarious!.. width="425" height="350" ..Hammered Kelly Clarkson at Heavy Metal Concert.. width="425" height="350" .. THE FIGHT AGAINST POVERTY.. width="425" height="350" ..WHY WE LOVE JOHNNY DEPP.. width="425" height="350" ..BRITNEY on SNL.. width="425" height="350" ..RISE & FALL of BRITNEY SPEARS.. width="425" height="350" ..

I'd like to meet:

Come register and create your fantasy cast of celebrities and create a league with your friends at www.tabfl.comORJust come an make your OSCAR picks


Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, Toby Cryns, Jack Johnson,Mason Jennings, Robin Thicke and sometimes Kelly Clarkson : )


Napolean Dynamite, Wedding Crashers, The Breakup, Old School, Love Actually, Bridget Jones Diary, Dead Man, Stick It


Survivor, The Gauntlet, Grey's Anatomy, Top Chef, America's Next Top Model


Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Robert Pirsig), Naked Lunch (William Burroughs), The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald), Devil Wears Prada, Life of Pi


Paula Abdul . . . OK, not really

My Blog

Lindsay Lohan Keeps Machiavelli With Her At All Times

Lindsay Lohan says what got her through was Machiavelli's 'The Prince' and serentiy prayers. On the book, famously followed by the likes of Mussolini and Napoleon, she gets deep:"I was going out with ...
Posted by TABLOID LOVE on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 07:39:00 PST

Rosie Strikes Again

Yesterday, Rosie O'Donnell posted several pictures of her daughter, Vivienne, wearing an ammo belt on her blog, titling the day's post "a picture is worth a thousand posts."  Unsurprisingly, s...
Posted by TABLOID LOVE on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 06:16:00 PST

Britney News-A-Palooza

Remember when Britney looked like this? Ah, the good ol' days. Not anymore ... so much Britney, so little time.It looks like those reports of a reconciliation between Britney Spears and her mom migh...
Posted by TABLOID LOVE on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 08:45:00 PST

Paris Hilton Keeps Making Phone Calls

Yesterday afternoon, Paris Hilton again used her limited phone time to talk to the media. Not Barbara Walters this time, but Ryan Seacrest. Paris says she's doing better than before, and that this ha...
Posted by TABLOID LOVE on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 06:25:00 PST

Pete Doherty Keeps A Journal

During one of many stints in rehab, Pete Doherty detailed his love for Kate Moss and what it is that comes between them in his newly published diaries. Read below as Pete poors his heart out ... kind...
Posted by TABLOID LOVE on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 06:12:00 PST

SJP has new clothes, Jessica Alba has a bad habit

Paris Hilton ... blah blah blah ... jail ... blah blah blah - you guys know the story, so I'm moving onto smaller, but better, things. Hope that's alright. I just can't take anymore Paris.So, moving...
Posted by TABLOID LOVE on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 04:54:00 PST

Update on those pictures

That's Vanessa Minnillo's crazy ass!!!  Can't say Nick Lachey is going to be too happy about that one.  What is she thinking? Ok, I'll be back in a bit, just had to throw out that news....
Posted by TABLOID LOVE on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 11:14:00 PST

Who else - Lindsay and Paris

These photos of Lindsay Lohan playing with knives have surfaced, taken sometime between her first and second stints in rehab, and they are just plain scary. These are the biggest knives I've ever see...
Posted by TABLOID LOVE on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 05:38:00 PST

Shanna vs. Paris - Not Over Yet

Because a MySpace page is the best place to share your true feelings with the world, Shanna Moakler has yet again taken to the website to vent on the latest in celebrity news. If you don't want to re...
Posted by TABLOID LOVE on Wed, 30 May 2007 08:02:00 PST

John and Jess

They're on again, they're off again, wait, wait & they're on again! Jessica Simpson and John Mayer broke up for all of 36 hours or so, leaving John enough time to flirt with a model or two, and Jessic...
Posted by TABLOID LOVE on Tue, 22 May 2007 08:23:00 PST